Monastery of The Moon

The Monastery of the Moon is a massive round structure, one half is decorated in onyx and obsidian stone, while the other is decorated in white marble and opal. Two massive doors stand at the entrance, one black and one white, splitting a moon going down the center. The moon on the black side of the door is white, while the moon on the white door is black. Two pairs of guards stand at the entrance, wearing robes and brandishing spears engraved with symbols dedicated to Selune.   The North Ward contains the histories of the world, and records of Dol Falton's history as a nation. It is for areas of governments and political knowledge.   The East Ward is for magical knowledge, and religious knowledge.   The West Ward is considered illegal or restricted, and only a handful of trusted people are allowed in such.

Purpose / Function

The Monastery serves as a headquarters and base of operations for the Order of the Luna Soul. They use this primarily as a means of collecting knowledge here while also acting as a place to organize their members all over Tol Edwan.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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