
No accounting of the Kingdoms of Arden is complete without the mention of Oldport, the most grand and ancient of all cities. Indeed, for Oldport is considered to be the oldest known settlement in all of Ardicil, and records of the city predate the separation from divinity. Some believe this was a trading post used by many to barter with elemental creatures farther inland. Others state that it was once home to a conclave of mighty metallic dragons.   This understanding is even further hindered by the remnants of buildings within the city that continue to confound and confuse scholars. This includes the massive tower on the Shield Isle. The entire tower seems to be made of solid rock, with no hints of joints or mortar, no chisel marks of any kind. It is also made of a unique stone that has only been found in very few places on Ardicil. It is now occupied by House Skytower, arguably one of the most wealthy and mysterious lords who pledge their allegiance to Kingsgarden.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization