Opal Reef

The Opal Reef is a vast and expansive barrier reef that is situated within the Gulf of Plenty. It is ripe with fish, mollusks and all other manner of ocean life, both peaceful and dangerous. It's underwater geography is as diverse as the population that lives on the reef. Some areas are shallow and almost crest past the waves above in low tides, and other parts of the reef reach hundreds of meters deep.    Home to a wide variety and large population of aquatic life, fishing vessels from Fasaryr Harbor trawl the Opal Reef collecting fish to sell back in the city. They are careful to ensure they do not upset the spirits of the reef, and there are certain areas that are notoriously more dangerous than others.   Deep beneath the waves supposedly lie great treasures of a fallen kingdom of Tritons, as well as places that thin the veil between the material plane and the elemental plane of water. Those who are willing to take that risk might find rewards and fortunes untold, or a watery grave.
Coral Reef, Barrier
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