Port Togruta

The volcanic rock that forms the landscape of Togruta Island hide many caverns and tunnels that have inspired numerous local myths of secret hideouts and legendary beasts. Outside of the single port, a thick and dense jungle encompasses a majority of the island. The jungle provides the resources necessary to sustain Port Togruta, but it also harbors dangerous beasts.   On the southern coast of the island lies the infamous pirate village of Port Togruta. The Port was founded by a handful of disenfranchised privateers who were suddenly viewed as criminals under the law by the warring Lybaran Concord and Golden Coast. These privateers who were once enemies, joined in cause to found the free port of Port Togruta. They now raid freely, having struck a deal with the Dragon Turtle Parnak to help defend their island.


Numerous hidden ballistae, siege weapons, explosives, and magical wards guard the waterway to the city. The harbor holds a powerful navy of pirate vessels, and most Togruta denizens are accomplished cutthroats, ready to fight any threat to their city.
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