Reverent Wardens

The Reverent Wardens is the military arm of The Twelve and the The Straatos Republic as a whole. The backbone of the military are the Straatos Hoplites.   Straatian hoplites use a combination of cunning, faith, and magic to defend their coastal home. Most of these skilled soldiers serve in the Reverent Wardens, the defenders of Straatos, which uses an array of proven strategies and flexible troop formations to gain the advantage over foes. Bolstered by trained griffon and pegasus steeds, they strike foes where they least expect.   During peace time, the Reverent Wardens can serve as a police force, backing up the Blue Guard in times of stress. The Reverent Wardens also include the naval capabilities of Straatos.
Military, Army
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

Articles under Reverent Wardens