The Wave Chasers

Lead by a rising star mage from the Isle of Winds , Garic Theran, the Wave Chasers have attracted a sizeable flotilla under his command. The many headed fleet that can communicate over vast distances thanks to the deck mages has earned the captain of the Wave Chasers the nickname "The Jellyfish". Garic hails originally from Raider's Cove, and it is here that the Wave Chasers call home, and aid in its defense.    Garic switches ships under his command on whims, and it is hard to guess which of the many ships The Jellyfish will be on any day.    There is a two tiered system among the Wave Chasers. The officers and mages, and the ordinary crew members. This system is allowed to continue, because while the sailors work harder while at sea, the mages do most of the heavy lifting during combat engagements. The mages are made up from various storm sorcerers, wizards, clerics dedicated to the various gods of Talos, The Stormlord , Tymora, The Coinmaiden , Bane, The Conqueror and Malar, The Beastlord, and even some druids.
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Notable Members

Articles under The Wave Chasers