Education in Ashfanabad

Ashfanabad is well known for its comprehensive educational system.


The Ashfanabad education system is highly organized with a distinct heirological structure. The lowest level being the Temel Okul, all settlements have at least one Temel Okul. This would be considered as elementary school focusing on reading, writing, arithemetics, and music. The next level is the Ilimli Okul, this is analagous to middle school level. At least one Ilimli Okul is found in every moderate sized village and above. Next is the Ileri Okul, or high school. This level prepares the student for moving on to university level or trade school.
After Ileri Okul, the student then decides to continue their education at a university or a Ticaret Okulu, or trade school. Those who choose a university education will move on to a more administrative job, while those who choose Ticaret Okulu move on to be an expert in a trade or art. Artificer and healing are trade school educations.


In Ashfanabad edcation is compulsary up to Unversity level. Ashfan schooling is comprehensive, covering most scientific fields including mathematics and language. The focus of the Ashfan education system is science and the arts. The arts are considered to be a natural extension of science, as such the average Ashfan can be considerd to have basic proficiency in at least one musical instrument, basic mathematics, and simple engineering. Education is highly valued by Ashfan culture and state sponsored shools offer a complete education to all walks of life. Education in Ashfanabad is freely available and several education programs have been set up to provide schooling to the poorest and orphans. Even the poorest farmer has at least a high school level education.

Public Agenda

It is the stated goal of the Ashfan education system to give every Ashfan a firm grounding in all disciplines. Ashfan University education is exhaustive and highly competetive with the highest graduates moving into high level government and trade jobs.

Bilgi Her Seyi Evcillestirir - Knowledge Tames All

Educational, School/Academy
Parent Organization


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