Session 2: Whispers in Dawnhold Report Report in Arendor | World Anvil

Session 2: Whispers in Dawnhold Report

General Summary

Uncovering the Betrayal

The session began with the party meeting Jored at the Whitestone Barracks. Through a tense confrontation, they uncovered that Jored had betrayed the Order of the Eternal Sentinel, revealing the courier’s location to Zavren, an agent of shadow. Faced with this revelation, the party decided to let Jored flee into exile towards Zephyria, sparing him but ensuring he would no longer pose a threat within Dawnhold.  

Commotion at the Spire of Solara

With Jored's betrayal fresh in their minds, the party proceeded to the Spire of Solara, only to find it in chaos. Zavren had seized control of the top floor, where the magical mailboxes, essential for near-instantaneous written communication, were located. Realizing the critical nature of this stronghold, the party knew they had to act swiftly.  

Assault on the Tower

Assistance came in the form of Gilgo Blorgolor, the Archmage at Dawnhold, who joined forces with the party to retake the tower. Together, they stormed the Spire, battling their way to the top floor. After a fierce confrontation, they managed to defeat Zavren, the infamous one-boot bandit, securing the mailboxes and restoring order to the Spire.  

Preparations for the Primarch’s Speech

With Zavren vanquished and the immediate threat neutralized, the party chose to rest and recuperate, readying themselves for the Primarch’s crucial speech scheduled for the following morning. Their efforts had not only safeguarded vital communications but also set the stage for the challenges yet to come.
The New Dawnbreakers
Brazen White Bulb Conquering Red Blossom
Goruk of the Cinder Tower
Report Date
17 Jun 2024
Primary Location


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