Dragon Clan Families

The Agasha Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Fire or +1 Void   Skills: Medicine, Smithing
The Agasha are ever-evolving, like the elements in nature. Although founded by a pacifist, many of their techniques are invaluable in a fight. Once devoted to mysticism, they now combine it with the practical arts. Yet, perhaps change is only to be expected among the families of the Dragon. The Agasha have delved deeply into alchemy, metallurgy, and medicine. They blend the practical effects of chemistry and construction with the mystical effects of calling the spirits. It is a unique approach and one that leads to the occasional spectacular disaster. However, they are rarely disheartened, as they often learn more from failure than they do from success.

The Kitsuki Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water   Skills: Government, Sentiment
As befits the odd nature of their clan, even the courtiers of the Dragon are unusual: the samurai of the Kitsuki family are most well-known for their keen perception and their investigative techniques that rely upon physical evidence. They bring to the physical world the same attention to detail that the Agasha bring to spiritual matters. A small family, they serve the Empire as magistrates and the Dragon Clan as courtiers. In both roles, their eye for deception and knack for finding the truth serve them well.

The Mirumoto Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Water   Skills: Fitness, Tactics
The Mirumoto samurai are renowned for their unique two-sword style, called niten or “Two-Heavens,” but they are more than mere warriors. The Mirumoto oversee the management and duties of the Dragon Clan, allowing the Togashi monks to pursue their eccentric paths on the way to Enlightenment. This makes the Mirumoto surprisingly practical and down-to-earth, willing to step in and help their region’s peasants when needed. As the largest family of their clan, the Mirumoto are the samurai whom most think of when they think of the Dragon, and they are the Dragon most often met outside of their lands.

The Togashi Order

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Void   Skills: Fitness, Theology
More a monastic order than a true family, the Togashi Order welcomes anyone willing to embrace their teachings and accomplish the challenges required to join, the first of which is finding one of the Togashi monasteries hidden across the lands of Kiga. In truth, many of those able to find their way to the order were members of the order in a past life, returning to continue their training and spiritual journey under the guidance of the Dragon Clan Champion. To the rest of the Empire, the order is known for skill with kōan (contemplative riddles) and the martial arts, as well as for the beautiful and mystical tattoos that grant them supernatural abilities.
Parent Organization