The Dragon Clan

For a thousand years, the Dragon Clan has watched over the others, recording the history of Kiga. Aloof and enigmatic, the armies of the Dragon march only rarely, intervening in the clashes of the Great Clans for seemingly inscrutable reasons. From the strange and powerful Tattooed Monks of Togashi to the investigators who challenge the system of justice in the Empire, the Dragon seek to ensure the Empire does not become too self-focused and solipsistic. It falls to them to ensure that the future of the Empire transpires in an orderly and elegant manner.


When the Kami fell to the mortal world and competed to choose who would rule over them, one stood apart. Togashi held the gift of prophetic foresight, and already knew who would win; he stood aside and simply watched the tournament silently. After Hantei won as foreseen, he charged his enigmatic brother to continue watching—not only his brothers and sisters, but also the rest of the Empire. The Dragon would be the Emperor’s impartial eye, a part of the Empire yet forever set apart from it.  Togashi accepted his brother’s command, for he had foreseen much of what was to come; he departed for the northern mountains of Kiga to find his home.   Unlike his fellow Kami, Togashi did not actively recruit vassals, but nevertheless men and women from all over the newborn Empire searched for him—some because they fit in nowhere else, some because they needed answers to questions nobody else could understand. Togashi accepted all of them, offering them a place at his side in what would come to be called the Dragon Clan.   Unlike the other Great Clans, the Dragon do not have a ruling house descended from their founding Kami. Most of those who joined the early Dragon Clan swore fealty to one or the other of his two most prominent followers, the warrior Mirumoto and the shugenja Agasha. Only a few felt the call to serve Togashi personally, and they took his name as their own—but they formed a monastic order of tattooed mystics called ise zumi, rather than a conventional samurai family.    Their order had no lineage, no written history, and they seldom married. Togashi tattooed them with his own blood, granting them strange and unpredictable powers based on the forms the tattoos took—forms which reflected the inner nature of each ise zumi.

“Find your own path.”

Geopolitical, Clan
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under The Dragon Clan