

Mostly Human, Some Tabaxi. Traders and travellers of a wide variety of species and races are common. Pirates, Fishermen, Traders and Ronin keep business flowing in Kunasa under the watchful eye of the Shira Corporation.


Kunasa is governed by a court of aristocratic traders, led by a male human named Shira Mune. Owner of the Shira Corporation. While technically under the rule of the Unicorn clan, officials rarely pass through the town. When they do, their stay is short and the town comes together to make them feel welcome, save for the odd assassin or horse thief. Unicorn clan government pays Shira Corp for all clan/guild affiliated ship repairs and manufacture, meaning that shipwrights and dock workers are the only government workers in town. Shira Corp runs everything else that the pirates can't get their hands on through basic mob tactics, should taxes not be paid on time. "Protection from the pirates" is what they offer, though the crime rate never seems to lower.


Two guard towers sit at either end of the docks whose braziers are lit every night by two pairs of guards. The rest of the guards remain at the storehouse, hauling cargo with dock workers or guarding delivery carts. There is a large palisade fence surrounding the storehouse, easily visible from the nearby guard tower on the dock.

Industry & Trade

Shira Corporation:
Trade Port:


The Market:
A marketplace unlike any other in Kiga welcomes traders into town from the harbour. The smell of freshly caught fish and exotic spices fill the air. Traders call out to their potential customers with offerings of rare treasures and trinkets from distant lands. Some plundered long ago, others brought on perilous journeys to find their way into the hands of wealthy travellers. Watch your coin purse, however, as urchin children are constantly scurrying around like street rats. Employed by pirate crews for their sticky fingers and network of eyes and ears, these children will do anything for a hot meal.
The Harbour:
The Port of Uchibito bay is fully equipped to stock an entire war fleet but is filled mostly with fishing boats and pirate ships. Trade vessels come and go, delivering cargo to the guarded storage facility. Ox carts then take the wares to their destinations. These carts are always guarded by Unicorn soldiers, as is the storage facility. These guards are sent here as punishment for crimes within the clan.
The Shipyard:
The Tilted Anvil:
A smithy opened by a dwarf from Nishisawa after being exiled. He now makes swords for noble lords and all manner of tools for the local fishermen. The dwarf's assistant is a kobold known by almost everyone in town. The littlest draconic socialite you ever did see!


Kung Food Kitchen:
Kung Food Kitchen, one of Kiga's most prestigious seafood restaurants, sits at the end of the market. When their owners are not away at a festival serving food to Kigani nobles, they are sure to be found here. A family home as old as the town itself, refurbished over 30 times to become what is now revered by many as the best seafood restaurant in Kiga.
The Codfather:
Another less prominent fish restaurant with a reputation for serving old fish. The owner is a Yuan-ti named Kelligan, who swears against said rumours. Frequently trashed by tabaxi locals despite Kelligan's complaints.
Premium barber for the decerning noble wanting to freshen up after a long journey. No pirates allowed. 

Guilds and Factions

Shira Corporation:

Ronin Mercenary Guild:
Merchant's Guild:
Seafarers Union:
Unicorn Clan:
Founding Date
130 EC
Alternative Name(s)
The Port of Uchibito Bay
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization