Sakura Sasaki

Sakura Sasaki

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sakura is physically fit and agile, knowing her way around the art of her katanas. She is thin but slightly muscled and undergoes relentless training to improve her physical form. She carries herself with grace and respect, always aiming to look her best.

Apparel & Accessories

She is almost always wearing her traditional wear- kimonos crafted specifically for her by her Ojiisan. She removes her more intricately detailed outerwear when training and fighting, as to prevent it from getting dirty. She highly values her clothes, and wants to keep them in the best possible condition.

Personality Characteristics


Sakura wants to make her Ojiisan proud, and prove herself worthy of carrying his swords.



Grandfather (Vital)

Towards Sakura Sasaki



Sakura Sasaki

Granddaughter (Vital)

Towards Ojiisan




Ojiisan was the one who raised Sakura, providing her with the core values and principles by which she lives. Everything that Sakura has is thanks to her Ojiisan, who taught her the ways of the samurai amongst other things. She and her Ojiisan are extremely close, and much of what she does is to make him proud.    When she first went to study in Toto, Ojiisan bestowed his swords upon her- the ones that have been in her family for generations. He knew she would make him proud, and bring honour to not only herself, but her family too.

Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
31 Cizek 516 EC
Sakura Forest
Current Residence
Ice Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft
99 lb

Articles under Sakura Sasaki

I am a Samurai
13 Cizek 532 EC

As Aien started heading towards the city, I was left with a conundrum: Should I follow to make sure he gets back safely, or remain at the monastery? I ended up choosing the former. I caught up to him as we walked in silence. I suppose I had thought of him as someone who would have made a good friend. Everyone else in the party seemed to preoccupied with other matters to even notice me. It may have been because he was a mystery and I have a love of solving those. Or maybe it was because I was so distant to everyone around me, and being forced to engage with these strangers- who would become my closest companions- drew me out of my shell. I honestly don't know why I had wanted to be his friend so badly, but I did, so I followed him down the mountain.   We were walking past a forest, when suddenly we heard a deep voice saying: "Your wish is my command." followed by a red and green dragon shooting out of the forest and soaring away, as an ominous red light began to glow within them. A voice cackled. We decided to investigate it. Aien's reasons were most likely out of curiousity, while I was worried about this potential threat. "This may be a danger to the city," I had thought, "We need to ensure that everyone stays safe."   So we crept into the forest, Aien turning invisble- therefore being way more stealthy than I- as we attempted to make our way towards the red light. I had not expected a goblin to be holding a glowing red lantern, babbling on about how his wish was about to come true, and thus was taken by surprise as the light flooded my vision. I looked around, but could not find Aien and assumed he was still invisible. I was able to return to my senses as I heard a voice shout: "What the %$@*! I'm a goblin?"   The only possible reasoning for this was that Aien had somehow swapped bodies with the maniacal goblin. I burst out in laughter, unable to control myself, before realising that if Aien was in the goblin's body, the goblin was in his- which happened to be invisible. I panicked, and not wanting the goblin to get away in my friend's body, I cast the only spell I could remember at the time that could counter his invisibility as Aien jumped on top of his former body. The radiance from the spell ended up making the goblin's new body visible to us... While simultaneously destroying the goblin body containing Aien...   I turned back time, able to save him from my mistake as Aien's body started to be overcome by the radiance. It grew stronger... The light was blinding. I saw the goblin body turn once again into mulch, and in a desperate attempt I turned time back again, but it was to no avail... I watched as he was turned into mulch, and Aien's glowing body ran away.   His dying words were: "$%!& you Sakura!"   I stood there, not quite knowing what to do. I knew this was my fault, and that it would be irreversible.   The goblin was still in his body, keeping his spirit tied to this realm. While pondering what to do, I drew my swords- Ojiisan's swords- the ones he had entrusted me with in which I would bring him- and myself- honour.   "Kaen."   My swords lit up, bright pink flames emanating from them, shedding a faint pink glow as my familiar soared into the canopy to look for Aien's former body. I didn't want the goblin to escape in it. He would never be at peace if it did. There was only one way... While lost in thought and overwhelming guilt, I was taken by surprise as the goblin was able to land a hit on my already aching and damaged body. I felt as if it may be the end for me, but something drove me onwards. I was able to lift my sword, and stabbed the flaming blade straight into his heart.   "Owatta."   It's done... His spirit is at peace.   I stood there, frozen, covered in blood- how much was my own I was unsure of... I had just killed. For the first time. And the one I had just killed was my friend. My ally. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks. Swiping them away, I thought to myself:   "This is what you've trained for your entire life, you knew you'd have to kill someday. Stop being stupid! You've prepared for this. Everyone has prepared you for this! ...but then why do I feel so guilty? Why does it hurt this much? He hated you. Why do you care so much about someone who cared so little for you? All that training and you're weak enough to be this upset by it? Where was your precious code when you needed it? It wasn't there to give you control. It let you down. Maybe you're not as strong as you thought you were.Weak. Useless. Unwanted."   "I'm sorry..." I whispered. I took Aien's body, dragging it towards the mulch that was once a goblin. Hesitating, I grasped his sword, and laid it on his still warm body. He looked so peaceful...   "Or is it because it was your fault? You lost control. You killed him. It's all your fault. You aren't deserving of your Ojiisan's swords, or the lessons he tried to teach you. You dishonour the code, you dishonour your squad, you dishonour your Ojiisan! You failed today, in every possible way. I wonder, how does that feel? Is it tearing you apart? Is the realisation finally setting in? You're not fit to be a samurai. Samurai kill, and it seems you are unable to. You're merely a child, do you even know what you're doing?"   "I...." I took his mask, that had fallen to the ground and placed it back onto his face. It was how he had lived, and it was how he would die.   "You don't even know who you are. How do you expect to make anyone proud when you're this weak? You're only a disappointment!"   "I thought you were stronger... I'm sorry Aien."   "You should have-"   I silenced my thoughts. Thoughts can be very dangerous things you see. When you start feeling negative emotions, your mind preys on that, and you just pull yourself deeper and deeper into that black hole that is guilt. By silencing them, I had a moment to think, void of the emotions clouding my judgement and pulling me into their shadowy grasp, knowing that if I let them continue to be heard, I'd never be able to escape them.   This is what it is to be a samurai. I have not broken my code. I am not undeserving. I have not failed anyone. No 'What if's or 'What could I have done differently's. What's done is done, and cannot be undone. That is where I'll leave this. I won't allow myself to become consumed by guilt or vengeance. I will continue to walk the path that was set for me, and become who I am meant to become.   So, who am I?   I am a Samurai.

A Duel
13 Cizek 532 EC

I eventually pulled myself out of my own mind and decided to have a duel with the two that were waiting outside. They were incredibly cocky as me and Mary took them up on their challenge, only spurring my need to beat them on. I would not fail twice today. They revealed that they each had all five of their rings as the duel began, but I remained strong and didn't allow that to intimidate me. Mary would take on the monk, and I would take on the samurai. She defeated her opponent with ease while I struggled a bit, much to my embarrassment.   As the duel went on, it had gotten to a point where I had almost lost, and although I didn't end up losing the duel, I did lose control as I released a Fireball down on my opponent, singing the area around him and causing him to need medical care. I was happy I had won the duel. I'd succeeded at something today. I felt ashamed of my loss of control, and attempted to help clean up my mess, with not much success. Thankfully Mary was able to repair the tree at least.   I had just proven that I wasn't powerless or worthless as the Daimyo had previously treated me. I knew I'd only been assigned a squad because they needed an extra person, but it had given me a chance to prove myself, and to make my Ojiisan proud. I felt content.

A Test of Something I Did Not Have
13 Cizek 532 EC

The monastery gardens were the most beautiful I had ever seen. There was an energy of complete peace in them as I found myself surrounded by the lush green environment and the ever-energetic koi fish. I looked around in wonder, taking in every detail of every aspect of my surroundings. It took me a while to notice the monk smiling at us from atop a massive stone hand. A tree had grown such that the branches appeared to form five rings. I decided to wade through the water, removing my shoes to allow the still, cool water to engulf my feet, allowing my entire body to feel refreshed and calm.   As we arrived at the shrine, the monk asked whether we were here for our rings, and I explained that we were actually attending a funeral. He offered to test us for them nonetheless, and I quickly agreed, knowing how proud everyone would be when I succeeded, especially Ojiisan. As more questions were asked, I started to feel increasingly more stupid. These questions didn't seem to have answers. I knew this because I'd always known the answers until then. I suppose there's a difference between knowing everything and how to apply it. These questions seemed to be ones I couldn't find the answers to, as these weren't answers you could find in books, and ultimately I ended up failing the test.   The emotions I felt were almost indescribable, I can't put them into a single word. I had just let everyone down. My Headmasters, General Mak, Officer Zhi and most of all... Ojiisan. I had felt so confident I would make him proud and get my ring, but that confidence had been worth nothing. I didn't understand it. I didn't understand any of it. Up until now I thought I'd had a deep connection with the void, with my magic- with my Kami. It seems I was wrong.   I was told I need to empty my cup. I understand. I think too much, and when you think too much, you are unable to feel, and to understand the Void, you must understand feelings. I sat there for a while- at the shrine- trying to empty my cup. That first question flooded my mind. That was the first one I was unable to answer. I didn't know. It was such a simple thing, fundamental to my existence, but I didn't know. It's slowly killing me inside.   I'll never forget that first question: Who are you?  

The Funeral
13 Cizek 532 EC

We gathered at the bath house wearing our appropriate funeral wear. I am lucky to have such an amazing Ojiisan who makes me the most beautiful kimonos. I could ramble all day about my Ojiisan, but there's a better place and time for that. We started our journey up Mount Kougen. Sadly unsurprisingly there were many who carried their dead up the mountain with us. I don't think that night is something anyone will forget any time soon. As we approached the monastery we saw two duelists looking for a challenge, and I thought I may go back to take them up on their offer at a later stage.   Upon arrival we were escorted to the cemetery where the Mak Haka lay. I watched as everyone paid their final respects to Kit- who seemed to be quite a beloved person. As everyone drifted off, one by one, I stayed by General Mak's side. I hoped that my silent presence would bring him some sense of comfort, but felt that he needed to be alone after a while and joined my party in exploring the monastery gardens.

Failed Execution
13 Cizek 532 EC

The day began once again in the kitchens, after receiving a message from Astraea asking me to meet them there. After doing my normal morning ritual I ran over, finding no problem with getting some extra morning exercise. It seemed as if the new daily routine would be a combination of my usual one with the kitchen briefings and tea. I made my famous green tea once again, and I was happy seeing how everyone enjoyed it once again. We got our briefing for the day: we had some free time before the funeral this afternoon, with which we could do as we pleased. I had to accept that morning drinking was not an unusual happening with this group, but rather what seemed to be part of their daily routine. After completing the new routine, and seeing everyone head off to perform their own tasks for the day, I went with Officer Zhi to the Women's Bushi School, where I intended to further my training. I became acquainted with the Headmaster and did some heavy training with my swords before it was time for the execution.   I and Officer Zhi headed there together, and found a group of people, disgustingly eager to see the elf beheaded. As we approached the gatehouse we saw General Mak in a heated conversation with one of the guards as he exclaimed: "What do you mean he's gone!?" We rushed closer to investigate what exactly was happening, and found that there had been a fire in the stables, which the prisoner had used to make his escape. I sent my familiar into the sky to scout for the escaped elf, but finding nothing she returned to me, and me and Aien went to inspect the holding cell.   Surprisingly, the cell was still locked. Speculating that he may be invisible I decide to throw a bag of flour into what turned out to actually just be an empty cell. I then stepped in to investigate, and Aien locked me in, saying: "That's what you get for stealing my booze!" and running away. This would have infuriated me, but he had clearly underestimated me and I was able to easily escape. Knowing that this was not the time for silly pranks, (but also that I'd most definitely get him back later) I decided to try and follow the tracks, which turned out a dismal failure. The funeral was however steadily approaching.   Although it wasn't something that could quite wait, I would deal with this tomorrow.

The Wake
12 Cizek 532 EC

Before heading to the wake, I donned one of my best kimonos and crafted an origami crane to gift to General Mak. In our culture, the crane is believed to live for a thousand years. It brings good fortune and longevity. It is the bird of happiness. It's wings carry the souls of the dead up to Yomi. After making our way there and greeting the General, I took out my crane and had it fly and land on his finger. Then Mary enchanted it to sing the song of a Nightingale, which happened to be his favourite bird. The gift seemed to mean a lot to General Mak, and it made me happy to see I was able to make this a little easier for him.   The hall was fairly empty, which made the event even sadder. It seemed that General Mak had lost the only person close to him, which must feel lonely. I don't know what I'd do if I lost Ojiisan. I offered to sit with him, as I wanted to keep him company- make him feel less alone. He accepted my offer, and I could see the pride of my Headmaster as I walked towards the head of the table. I was then faced with a tough decision. I could sit on the one side, with my back turned to the Daimyo and Lady Sumehime, but that would be quite disrespectful. Thus I opted for something I later believed was even more of a power move, and chose to walk past them and sit on the opposite side. Astraea decided to join me, which General Mak approved of, and I used my telepathy to enlighten her on some of the social rules. What makes it more entertaining, is that she doesn't know who it is. It's okay to have a little fun once in a while.   As the ceremony died down, I decided to perform a traditional Tea Ceremony. I excused myself and went to the kitchen to gather all that I needed to perform it, and found young Timo-chan attempting to get into the liquor closet. I gave him a scolding and told him to go home. That kid is nothing but trouble, but I do feel that he's slowly and gradually getting better- more responsible and such. I did however take a peek inside the closet, looking for any other doors within it. The large doors at the back of the hall and the dragon head above them seem highly suspicious to me. Finding nothing, I gathered the supplies and went back to perform my Tea Ceremony, with which my familiar helped.   It didn't go exactly as I had wanted, and I messed up on multiple occasions, but it appeared that everyone was too drunk to notice. And thus came the end of my first day.

The First Day
12 Cizek 532 EC

We eventually made our way to the kitchens to get ourselves some breakfast and meet with Officer Zhi. On arrival I decided to start making my secret green tea (the best green tea in Kiga I must say.) A small mass of samurai gathered as I made enough tea for them all, and Astraea remarked that I'd have no trouble finding suitors, to which I smiled. Inside I was holding myself back from telling her I'm not in need of a suitor, and asking why she would be thinking of such things after firstly just meeting me, and secondly at breakfast.   I then saw Aien take out a bottle of sake, and highly disapproving of morning drinking, especially when there's so much to do in a day, I stole the bottle using my telekinesis. He watched it slowly float towards me and land beside my teapot. As expected, he didn't react well, and ended up putting his sword to my back. In response, I used my magic again to shove him backwards. Officer Zhi ultimately resolved the issue. As my commanding officer, she has my respect, and I will not disobey her. Thus, I gave Aien's sake back. Soon after a small pixie, who the party appeared to recognise, arrived, and I learnt that her name was Mary. Officer Zhi then gave us the briefing of what we would be doing today, and gave me the nickname "Saki," which I suppose I'm okay with. Officer Zhi is someone I have decided will be a good role model for me. She is able to defuse tense situations, and appears to value the code as I do.   Officer Zhi, along with Mary and Astraea accompanied me to the tattoo parlour. Getting my first tattoo was an amazing experience, which will remain in my memories forever. This tattoo of Byakko will protect me from that which wishes to harm me. The tattoo took most of the day, but I was still able to get some training in before going to meet the Daimyo.   Most of the information discussed was not something that I had been a part of, but Seto was awarded a promotion, and a seeming 'gift' of the deed to the bathhouse. Knowing Daichi, that was no gift. That man disgusts me, though I'd never say it out loud. The matter of Aien's uncle, the elf strewn up on the wall, was brought up, and much to my relief Aien asked for the right to execute him. I originally had to hold myself back, as shouting at the Daimyo for being barbaric wouldn't have been the best choice, but luckily he gave Aien permission. I was happy that he would be allowed to end his suffering. However bad the deed, there is no Compassion in torturing him, or Honour in keeping him alive.   As it was almost time for the wake, we then headed off to prepare for it.

An Interesting Party
12 Cizek 532 EC

I had just met my commanding officer: Officer Zhi. Although I don't know much about her, she seems to be someone highly admirable and respectable and I have already taken a liking to her. She was asked to stay behind as we headed to what I assumed were the squad's quarters. Astraea asked if I knew the way, assuming that because I wasn't already in a squad I was a complete rookie. What she didn't know is that I'd been training in this city for multiple years at this point. I told her this and she seemed surprised. I suppose I would be too... It's not often that you find fifteen year-olds at the brink of becoming fully fledged samurai.   We arrived at the Hohei Quarters as the squad had begun to wake. A large black Tabaxi looked towards us and remarked: "Replaced Kit already?" This started a large and heated argument of which I had no part in. Feeling like this was a more private conversation, and slightly out of place, I headed outside and sat on the steps to contemplate exactly what I had gotten myself into. After a while, a tall masked figure approached me and said: "C'mon, you're a part of this too now." as he walked inside. I followed, and was finally introduced to everyone.   The Tabaxi was Seto, a monk in training, studying at the Bushi school under Master Satsujinki Shi. The tall masked figure was Aien, who was in training to become a ninja. Then there was Jerry, a mousefolk who seemed interested in smithing and of course Astraea, who seemed to be studying Archery.   The aura around the party was extremely tense, which I later found out was due to the death of Kit Mak. Seto seemed to be the most level-headed out of the bunch, but didn't do a fantastic job at easing the fiery remarks being sent flying between party members. Astraea seemed to have a deep and genuine hatred for Aien, which I didn't truly understand, and Aien seemed to be apathetic towards the situation- and everything in general. Seto and Jerry seemed to pay no notice to me, so I wasn't able to get a thorough read on them. Jerry seemed tired, and stayed out of the 'conversation' for the most part, while Seto participated slightly more actively. However, the main two participants were Astraea and Aien, whom I was able to read slightly better and form opinions on.   Once again I wondered what on Arenia had I gotten myself into.

A Chaotic Night- and it's consequences
12 Cizek 532 EC

I might say the day started like any other, but that would be a lie. Last night while I was visiting Ojiisan, we heard a ruckus outside. I decided to look out the window and see exactly what we were dealing with. The chaos which had ensued was unlike anything I'd seen before- or had to prepare for. A horde of undead were swarming the small village Ojiisan had made his home in so many years ago. Upon realising that the villagers here were unable to protect themselves, I grabbed my swords and rushed outside, greatly worrying Ojiisan. I was able to fight a fair amount of them off before their numbers became overwhelming and I was compelled to use my magic. I cast Fireball, which succeeded in not only quelling the undead threat, but also destroying a few houses. I got Ojiisan's permission to allow them to reside in our cottage for the night, and escorted them back to the city the following morning. Much to my dismay, Ojiisan decided to remain in the village, and the most I can do now is hope he remains safe.   Upon arrival, the gate guard- Danuja-san -recognised me immediately, and allowed us in. I led the large group of now homeless citizens to my Headmaster, who agreed to provide them refuge and shelter while their home is rebuilt. I was grateful, yet ashamed. I had allowed myself to lose control. The master told me that it was completely acceptable behaviour, and the right call on my side and thus instructed me to visit General Mak to inform him on the happenings of the previous night, saying that my actions were deserving of a tattoo.   I headed to General Mak's office, and was greeted by a strange person who introduced herself as Astraea. She is quite an odd one to say the least. I then found out that General Mak's daughter, Kit, had been killed, and a wake would be hosted later that day. I could feel his agonizing grief fill the room when he spoke about it. I offered my condolences, but condolences can't bring back the dead, or fix the pain you feel when you lose someone. I was assigned a squad and told I could go to the tattooed monks for my tattoo. I was elated. This was what I had been training for- this was my chance to prove myself.