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Pinewatch (Pyn-wah-ch)

Pinewatch was a small rural village located along the northern bank of Lake Bourdeaux, and a day's journey west from the town of Foux. Up until its unfortunate ruin, Pinewatch had been a peaceful rural community; mostly peasant farmers and fishermen who made their living on fish from the lake, foraging in the surrounding woodlands, or sowing crops in the open fields. The Great Plague, and the actions of The Shepherd, saw the tiny village's untimely and tragic end. Currently, the village is mostly abandoned, however some refugees from Foux did decide to settle there, making it their new home.


The demographic makeup of Pinewatch was surprisingly diverse for such a tiny village. Its inhabitants were a clean mix of human, elf, and dwarf--all born Flamellen and could likely claim at least one generation of ancestry to past villagers in Pinewatch. In terms of economic class, every villager would have been counted among the peasantry, including its Ealdorman.    Most villagers made their living by selling whatever they could fish, make or forage to the neighboring town of Foux. Thus, the most important and common professions among those living in Pinewatch were as fishermen, farmers, livestock ranchers, simple craftsmen or artisans, and foragers. Fish and edible (but rare) mushrooms were the tiny village's most profitable exports.


Like most villages, Pinewatch was led by an Ealdorman. While he or she may be the deciding member of the village, and represent them in important matters, every citizen of Pinewatch has say in how life is led there. Most village policies are kept simple and handled by popular vote.


Beyond a simple water well at the center of the village, and the thatched-roof homes of its inhabitants, there are no other notable structures.


Pinewatch sits within a small parcel of flatland that tapers south until it ends at Lake Bourdeaux. Surrounded to the east, west, and north by dense forest, Pinewatch is somewhat cushioned from the outside world.


Pinewatch sits toward the northern edge of Flamelle's temperate zone. Through most of the seasons, Pinewatch sits in a relatively comfortable location, where even at the height of summer temperatures remain cool and stable. In the winter, however, its citizens must be prepared for greater amounts of snow and below-freezing temperatures through much of the season.


  • Village of Pinewatch
    A small rural village located along the northern banks of Lake Bourdeaux.

22R 43Y 11M 4D

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