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Haven (ha·ven - [ˈhāv(ə)n])

Where Adventures Begin

  In the past, the small portside town of Haven was considered a single stop along the way to more exciting places, however much has changed over the years. A small but vibrant town, Haven sits along the far western coastline of The Kingdom of Flamelle. In recent history, upon being ravaged by plague and losing much of its population from sickness, pillaging bandits, or emigration to other safer towns and cities, for a time the town of Haven lay mostly abandoned and in ruin. With the aid of The Heroes of Romaire however, the town has been given a new lease on life.


The population of Haven has always been fairly diverse due to the amount of trade, both domestic and foreign, that would arrive at its docks. Although not nearly as large as some of the port cities of Flamelle, the small town still received its share of merchant vessels. With the majority of its people being nationally Flamellen, there were still pockets of those who emigrated to Haven from places like Castinis, or even as far away as Saelgard or Drakenlloch.   Racial makeup is dominantly Human, however there are large minority groups of elves, half-elfs, dwarves, and other less common races living within the town. Most of those living within Haven are either of middle-class means, working class merchants or laborers, or peasant farmers. Only a few noble families live within the town, and by most standards within the country those nobles might be considered at the lowest-tier or "up-jumped".


Haven owes its fealty to the Flamellen Royal Line, therefore though along the furthest boundaries of the kingdom and otherwise often forgotten about by those considered important, taxation is regularly collected by the Capital. Town mayorship has always fallen on a local however, and as of the present, that title belongs to the local inn and barkeep, Bartholomew Mason.


Haven is defensible by a simple palisade wall that surrounds it on three fronts, intermittent guard towers spread along its length, and narrow drawbridges at the north and south gatehouses. Natural defenses, however, provide far more shelter for this town, as it is hugged to the east by the Sommet Mountains, the Bay of Haven at its western shoreline, the River Noir to the north, and the River Stonefell to the south.

Industry & Trade

Much of what allowed Haven to prosper was due to pre-plague trade with other parts of Flamelle as well as a few foreign neighbors. Fishing is also a large part of the industry in town, with much of its catch supplying inland cities nearby that are set away from ocean or lake access. Skilled tradesmen in town also make up the last percentages of town income; such as metalwork and forging, furniture making, leather and tailorwork, and alchemical production. Alcohol production may also be noted as some of the ales crafted by Baramonde Brewery did find their way into taverns across the cities and towns of central-western Flamelle.


Local merchants and business people have opened up shop in Haven, though due to its ruin in 1202 ATC, much had been lost. Rebuilding efforts, and a massive influx of refugees from Foux however, have instilled new life and promise into this town. Before its ruin as well, the standard of living in town was relatively high. The roads were paved in cobbled stone and homes were of stone and timber dominantly. Although the docks would be considered humble, they were large enough to have a small wharf and shipyard. Timber bridges and gatehouses allowed for defensible installations surrounding the city.   PRE-RUIN   POST-RUIN
  • WIP


Haven, being a mid-sized port town, isn't all that large, but does have a few districts a wanderer may find of interest.  
  • Bay / Harborside District
  • Market Square / Town Center
  • Crafter's District
  • Cathedral / Noble District

Guilds and Factions

Pre-plague Haven had no real guilds or guildhalls to speak of. The town remained humble and quiet for most of its tenure. Upon its desolation due to the plague and sacking by bandit raids, it took a massive influx of refugees that helped to inspire the creation of several new guild hubs that otherwise never existed there before.

The Information Brokers of Haven

  Although not necessarily a regular business, the Information Brokers, during the plague of 1202-1203 ATC, would escape destruction in Foux and begin their activities anew in Haven, away from the eyes of their enemies. The original Broker's master, Renfri du Foux, would go on to serve as head in Haven as well, also becoming a de facto co-mayor of the town alongside Bartholomew Mason. They would remain headquartered in Haven thereafter, aiding whoever they could (notably The Heroes of Romaire) against the Circle of Aima Axio.


Early Beginnings

  Haven started long ago, as an outpost settlement (at the time called Weston) for the immigrating peoples that initially stemmed from Ancient Thysia. It is these people that would sweep across the Flamellen landmass and colonize it, inevitably leading to the inception of the Kingdom of Flamelle. During the early days of the settlement, Weston functioned mostly as a stop along the route further eastward. Buffered by the Sommet Mountains, many would shelter in Weston during the winter months, but eventually move on to other establishments--thusly, the population remained small for much of its early history.   Upon the first King of Flamelle taking up their throne in the newly-established Capital of Romaire (est: 0001 ATC), just over 3 years after the mass immigration to these lands, Weston gained its township, officially becoming something more than an outpost settlement.  

The First Flamelle-Castinis War

  Generations later--after nearly 19 reigns--a major conflict erupted between the Kingdom of Flamelle and its southern neighbor, the Kingdom of Castinis. Relations between the two countries had been dissolving for decades prior to open war being waged, so when the call to arms came to cities, towns, and villages even as far north as Weston, its people were eager to answer that call. Despite its humble nature, and how very far away it was for much of the war, Weston played a significant part. Wounded were shipped north and found their way to the town (among many other locations) where they were treated and tended to, away from the front lines. Many war heroes of old also claimed origin from Weston, eventually making a name and legacy for themselves in the heat of battle.   During the final year of the 4 year conflict however, the front had started to push uncomfortably northward as the Castinian army achieved victory after victory against the reeling Flamellens. Weston soon found itself pinned, with Castinian soldiers moving in to sack the town and destroy its dock and harbor, preventing Flamellen ships from bringing in supplies to the front lines, or naval vessels from being constructed there. The small town, with such limited reinforcements being provided by the Crown, fought back however--much to the surprise of the Castinian invaders. In what would later be called The Battle for Haven, an assuming man by the name of Elleswood Haven would take charge of the defending soldiers and townsfolk, famously sitting atop a plowhorse and raising an old rusted arming sword as he directed the troops from just behind the front lines. His heroism, valor, and success in beating back the invaders and saving the town won him both fame, mayorship of the town, and eventually a great granite statue that would sit within the tiny town square, recounting his deeds for many generations to come. The King of Flamelle also decreed that the town would forevermore be known as Haven, one final honor bestowed upon Elleswood.  

Recent Events

  In the 22nd reign, 43rd year, Haven would find itself in peril once again. The Great Plague would eventually begin to spread across the country, starting at its origin point in the far northwest, and making its way to all corners of the country. Haven would find itself in the midst of a major health crisis the likes of which Flamelle hadn't seen in nearly 150 years, becoming an early quarantine zone and enforced by the White Cloaks. Sickness would claim the lives of nearly 60% of the inhabitants of the town, reducing the population to a level where the town could no longer sufficiently sustain itself. Over the next few months, bandit raiders would continue to sack the crippled town, murdering its people and managing to eventually sack the town for all it's worth. With most of the structures burned to the foundations, and only a handful of survivors left alive, Haven had to survive for a time on scavenging whatever they could.   It would inevitably be thanks to the actions of The Heroes of Romaire that Haven would be restored from the ashes. Upon their return from a 3 month journey south to The Gray Veil, the heroes managed to find the buried treasure of Bartholomew Mason--at one time a pirate--whose total fortune would be able to revive the town and bring it back even stronger than before. A massive influx of refugees from the recently destroyed town of Foux would also provide much needed support for rebuilding everything that was lost, as well as re-opening the doors to skilled tradespeople and merchants.

Points of interest

  • Nearby water bodies: Bay of Haven offers calm access to the Megalos Ocean, while the Noir and Stonefell Rivers bring mountain-fed fresh water to the town.
  • Plains to the north and south offer plenty of arable land perfect for farming and foraging.
  • The Old Wayshrine to the north offers a serene spot to worship for those who take other deities beyond Lathander, whose Church sits within the town.
  • The harbor and docks offer easy access for fishing and sailing.
  • Local Adventurers Guild hall and sparring arena sits within the new market district, alongside other guild hubs for Brewers, Mages, Merchants, and Artisans.
  • Haven now hosts a brand new airship port that is able to accommodate up to 3 large airships.


Aside from the occasional foreign adventurer, for much of its history Haven has remained a somewhat sleepy port town. Traders and sailors regularly make stop at the port of Haven, however rarely leave the shipyard or wharfside district. Now however, with the fame of The Heroes of Romaire spreading across the country, there has been somewhat of an influx of tourists eager to see the town that rose out of the ashes. Revitalized and modern, Haven now offers more amenities for weary travelers than it ever had before, rivaling even larger towns nearby as a premiere destination to visit.


Prior to the plague, and newly revitalized after its reconstruction, most homes and buildings within the town's walls are of stone and timber. The aesthetic that has seemed to trend in town takes after buildings in major cities like Romaire, which are distinctively of daub-and-wattle construction. Most roofing is all of gray or brown slate tiles, crafted and quarried locally from riverstone or the Sommet Mountains. Doorways, especially for private residences, are characteristically brightly painted--a trend that only took off after The Great Plague finally came to an end.


Haven sits within a shallow plain just at the western foothills of the Sommet Mountains, situated along the far western coastline of Flamelle. It is protected on the coast by its own bay, allowing for a sheltered cove where ships can be easily moored away from most oceanic storms. Additionally, with the Rivers Noir to the north and Stonefell to the south, the spit of land the town has been build upon could technically be considered an 'inland peninsula'. With views of the high and often snow-capped Sommet mountains to the immediate east, and the Bay of Haven to the immediate west with splendid views of the beautiful coastline city of Cote du Faire just beyond the water, Haven truly sits within a location of beauty.


Haven, sitting within a temperate zone, has weather for much of the year that could be considered fair. Summers can be sweltering hot and humid, especially with the ocean and rivers so close by and coastal winds being often trapped by the high cliffs of the Sommet Mountains, while winters can be a brutal affair, with northern currents bringing ample regular snowfall and freezing (or below freezing) temperatures. Temperatures are known to sink so low that parts of the Bay of Haven have frozen over, preventing fishermen from leaving during the coldest winter months.   Autumn and Spring, by comparison, are considered by Haven locals the best times of year. Though Spring tends to bring in a long rainy season, the population is eventually rewarded with warmer temperatures and fertile soil for growing crops, pasturing livestock, or growing fields of wildflowers.

Natural Resources

  • Lumber from the surrounding forests
  • Cattle and sheep from nearby pastures
  • Stone, marble, granite, slate, shale from quarries
  • Iron from Sommet Mountain mining
  • Fish and shellfish from bay and ocean fishing


  • Town of Haven
    A map of the moderately-sized port-town of Haven, located on the far western coastline of Flamelle.
Founding Date
11.30.0001 ATC
Alternative Name(s)
Weston (old)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Vehicles Present


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