Umberhold Settlement in Argea | World Anvil
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This smog-choked, sun-forsaken city is the second largest settlement north of the Carmont. Once a tourist destination for those interested in its subterranean crypts, this port city slowly succumbed to an ever-present shroud of dense, black smog. Umberhold's toxic miasma emanates from the innumerable smokestacks that jut out of dozens of factories across town. Some locals blame Baron Lestaine and the coal industry he represents, but most residents are too busy in mines, factories, or working other menial jobs to protest. Those who do have the time are typically willing to turn a blind eye thanks to the substantial financial subsidies provided by the Baron.   It is no secret that Mayor Nalberante works at the pleasure of the Baron. The Baron's funds financed his recent campaign just as they financed the thugs that thrashed Zilan Dahlei, his opponent, and the police that threw her in jail. There she has rotted for the past year. Those who protest against the Baron claim he and his cronies cannot find anything to charge her with. The mayor's office and a spokesperson for Malvaise Mining--Baron Lestaine's coal conglomerate--claim that they are not releasing information regarding the case to maintain Ms. Dahlei's privacy.


Human 29
Gnome 22
Halfling 22
Dhampir 13
Dwarf 2
Other 12


Umberhold is ostensibly democratic, but the real power in the city lies with Baron Lestaine and Malvaise Mining. The Baron and Malvaise Mining donate prodigious amounts of money to the municipal coffers--and to various thugs, thieves, and roguish types across town. In recent years the rates of taxation have more than doubled from 15% to 41%, leaving many without enough money to afford basic necessities like rent and food.

Industry & Trade

Coal, ores, alloys, manufacturing.


The roads, sewers, and buildings of the town are in good shape for now, but recent neglect has begun to show. The streets are smeared with soot and the sewers are swollen with vagabonds and vagrants. The city is on the brink of collapse.


  • Mist Barrow: This quarter is the largest in the city and home to most of Umberhold's residents. It is aptly named: a sickly gray-green fog constantly hangs over the city.
  • Lowgate: Lowgate is the town's economic heart. Here, residents can purchase food, wares, and pick up odd jobs. Most of the city's businesses call this district home. Of all the businesses, the Spirit Bank is the most famous.
  • South Ward: This small slum is home to many of Umberhold's gnomes. They have ingeniously constructed warrens of apartments complete with indoor plumbing and running water (most of the time).
  • Old Town: This is the oldest part of town, and it shows. Here, the infrastructure is severely lacking. The streets, once paved with cobblestones, are now trenches of mud. The sewers are barely functional. In some places, the pipes and tunnels that make it up have broken, swallowing sections of road and exuding a disgusting odor. Old Town used to be home to the city's gentry, but most have vacated the district in favor of cleaner quarters. One notable exception: Lestaine Manor.
  • Trollwall: True to its name, this district was built around an ancient wall built to defend a military camp from the trolls that used to plague the area.
  • Haunted Alley: More of a district than a single alley, this district is rumored to be swarming with ghosts, ghouls, and other undead.
  • Feystair: Most of Umberhold's elite live in Feystair. The infrastructure here is substantially better than all other districts. The streets, wet with condensation, are clean of most dirt.
  • North Docks: One of two port districts. The North Docks specialize in manufactured goods.
  • East Docks: The second of Umberhold's dock districts. The East Docks import most of Umberhold's food. As a result, the East Docks are usually swarming with beggars, thieves, and other social refuse.

Guilds and Factions

  • Malvaise Mining: the real power behind the city of Umberhold
  • The Graveguard: an elite group of city guards loyal to (and employed by) Malvaise Mining and its interests
  • The Fogbreaker Rebellion (Whistlers): a small group of protestors and rebels who despite the current government
  • Municipal Officials: puppets of Malvaise Mining

Points of interest

  • Malvaise Mining HQ: Towering over the city at a stunning 10 stories, this hauntingly beautiful building represents all that is wrong with the world to most residents.
  • Graveguard Barracks: One of the most intimidating buildings in town. This is the headquarters of the Graveguard: Malvaise Mining's elite city guard.
  • Sip'n'Shadow Pub: Built on the idea that making light of serious subjects can improve one's mood, this pub serves drinks named after capital crimes in the city.
  • Lestaine Manor: Baron Roman Lestaine lives in this mysterious, creepy manor by himself. He occasionally emerges to take an elaborate carriage to the mayor's offices.
  • Hangman's Square: Each Caedre, those found guilty of capital crimes are hung by the neck until dead in front of the city's busiest square.
  • The Spirit Bank: This unique bank has one of the most unique edifices on the planet. Its five-story walls are translucent, allowing outsiders to view movement inside the bank. A soft light emanates from the bank at all hours, bathing the adjacent roads and alleys in a comforting glow. Here, the wealthy--or corrupt--can store a portion of their soul, safeguarding themselves against death. Prices start at 750 gold and can reach as high as 100,000 gold.


Gothic in parts, Victorian in others. Lots of tar shingled roofs, houses constructed from stained oak, and cast iron fences and spires.


The city gently slopes down toward The Witch Tides. Its landward side faces a grassy, rock-strewn, fog-covered bog.
Level 7
LE City   Government Mayor, undemocratic   Languages Arkann, Common, Halfling, Infernal, Necril
Religions The Moonwaker Order, The Briarhold
  Threats Discontent citizens and decreasing coal prices.
Mistbound City Umberhold never sees sunlight. A perennial, toxic mist covers the port town at all hours of the day.
Founding Date
662 YGP
Large city
Location under
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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