Anita Sorrow Character in Argus | World Anvil
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Anita Sorrow

Anita Sorrow

Anita does not know her parent's she was found by a circus member under the uncovered roots of a Sorrow tree. The circus members became her familly and raised her as their own child. She was not apreciated by all members but most of them accepted her sine she was an orphan. The horns that was apparent during her first year was quickly hidden her dense curly hair while she grew up.   She was clumsy and shy, but flexible and agile so she learned to be an acrobat. Flying around attached only by fabric wrapped around her or swinging on high swings she became popular for her exotic look. nobody knew how to deal with her hair until a woman sharing her hair type showed her how to take care of them. The lady helped her untangle her hair until she uncovered her horns and scared the little Anita that never saw her again. She applied the technique the lady was talking about before she ran away to take care of her hair but always made sure to cover her horns afterwards. From this moment, she never trusted anybody fully until they discovered her real identity and accepted her. Which happened only on two occasion. A young man that fell in love with her but went to travel and her best friend Freya.   when she became adult, she was assaulted after a show with the circus by a visitor and she almost kiled the man assaulting her by defending herself. She had no memories of the event but members of the circus started to be scared of her. a couple month after the event, she decided to quit them and make her own path. She decided to stay at Espartir and find a job to be able to settle down and ultimately found her birth parent's.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her medium brown skin have a undertone of red making her look like she is blusshing all the time. Her average height of 5 feet 7inches blend her in the masses. she usually wear puffy skirts that can easily hide her tail that end at her knee. Wearing blousses and croset that enhance her waist, she is the most popular among custumers of the brasserie where she work.

Body Features

With her long and dense hair, she is able to hide a pair of quite small horns that start a couple inches above her ears and follow her skull back wise and pointing down on the back of her head. She has a tail ending at her knees and 4 toes on each feets

Facial Features

Hazlenut intense gaze, Large nose and full lips. round face and pointy canine that shows when she smile. Some custumer surname her a vampire for this. Red undertone skin that make her look like she blush all the time with what seems like freekles

Identifying Characteristics

Loud laugh Look like she distrust everybody at all time has no tolerence for the adventurous hand of the men's or badmouthing

Physical quirks

Freekles and blushing appearence skin tone.
Flexible and agile she can easily move troughout a dense pub to serve beers and food to the custumers without waste a drop. Her hair are always messy and in a big affro no matter what.
Hates the rain

Special abilities

Has a gift for throwing knifes and darts Flexible enough to squeeze in a chest

Apparel & Accessories

She generally wears blouses with a corset and puffy skirt to hide her tail. Has a large bracelet with beads on it that remember the forms of cherries.
Has a rain coat with a extra extra wide hood that fits her hair during rainy days

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anita does not know her parent's she was found by a circus member under the uncovered roots of a Sorrow tree. The circus members became her familly and raised her as their own child. She was not apreciated by all members but most of them accepted her sine she was an orphan. The horns that was apparent during her first year was quickly hidden her dense curly hair while she grew up.   She was clumsy and shy, but flexible and agile so she learned to be an acrobat. Flying around attached only by fabric wrapped around her or swinging on high swings she became popular for her exotic look. nobody knew how to deal with her hair until a woman sharing her hair type showed her how to take care of them. The lady helped her untangle her hair until she uncovered her horns and scared the little Anita that never saw her again. She applied the technique the lady was talking about before she ran away to take care of her hair but always made sure to cover her horns afterwards. From this moment, she never trusted anybody fully until they discovered her real identity and accepted her. Which happened only on two occasion. A young man that fell in love with her but went to travel and her best friend Freya.   when she became adult, she was assaulted after a show with the circus by a visitor and she almost kiled the man assaulting her by defending herself. She had no memories of the event but members of the circus started to be scared of her. a couple month after the event, she decided to quit them and make her own path. She decided to stay at Espartir and find a job to be able to settle down and ultimately found her birth parent's. (to be completed)


barmaid in the down town biggest brasserie in espartir


Anita Sorrow

Party Member

Towards Rruzzor Pestgrappler


Rruzzor Pestgrappler

Party Member

Towards Anita Sorrow


New comer in the city, human in appearance but under her dense curly hair is hidden horns . Thiefling that was raised in a circus as an orphan that found a family. She doesn't trust easily and lies a lot on her identity for safety,

View Character Profile
Extra curly black long afro style
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
medium black skin tone
5ft 7 inches
170 lbs

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