Rruzzor Pestgrappler Character in Argus | World Anvil
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Rruzzor Pestgrappler (R-R-Uz-Z-Or Pest-Gra-Pler)

Pestgrappler Rruzzor (a.k.a. Pest)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rruzzor Pestgrappler, also known as Pest for short, was a gnoll fighter who was born into a proud clan of raiders in the northern thundra, the Coldlands. Despite his fierce spirit, Pest was always considered weak by the females of his clan, who were the dominant force in the tribe. They belittled him constantly and denied him any opportunities to prove himself in battle.   Desperate to prove his worth, Pest went on a dangerous solo raid against a rival tribe that lived in the city of Skartuun, but he was quickly overwhelmed and left for dead. He sustained a severe head injury that left him with amnesia and mostly blind on his right eye. He wandered alone for days in the Coldlands until he was rescued by a passing caravan.   With no memory of his past or his identity, [Bettha's Name] was taken in by the caravan and began to rebuild his life as a hired sword. He found a sense of purpose in his new life as a mercenary, but the memories of his past continued to haunt him, yet had no desire to find out who he was based on his current situation.   Pest's short-term goal is to find somewhere he belongs as even in a caravan of his peers, he feels out of place. He believes that finding a new cause to fight for, people he cares about to protect, will give him purpose. He also seeks to hone his skills as a fighter and for some innate reason he cannot explain, prove himself worthy of respect, not just to his peers but to the world at large. Despite the many challenges he has faced, Pest is determined to make a name for himself as a warrior and become stronger, so that whatever happened to him before, doesn't happen again.



Party Member

Towards Rruzzor Pestgrappler


Rruzzor Pestgrappler

Party Member

Towards Sutha


Anita Sorrow

Party Member

Towards Rruzzor Pestgrappler


Rruzzor Pestgrappler

Party Member

Towards Anita Sorrow


Known Languages
Common, Gnoll

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