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Gnoll (Noll)

Basic Information


Gnolls are humanoid creatures with a distinctly hyena-like appearance. They have a powerful, muscular build, standing roughly seven feet tall and weighing up to 300 pounds. Their fur is coarse and shaggy, usually ranging in color from sandy yellow to reddish-brown. Gnolls have a pronounced snout filled with sharp teeth, and their eyes are yellow or amber in color. They have long, pointed ears that are highly sensitive, as well as a keen sense of smell.   Gnolls have four-fingered hands with sharp claws that the more feral type use for hunting and combat, unlike their more civilized counter-parts. Their feet are also clawed, and they have a digitigrade stance that allows for quick and agile movement. Despite their brutish appearance, gnolls are intelligent and have a sophisticated culture that revolves around hunting and warfare.   Gnolls are a sexually dimorphic species, with males typically being smaller and less muscular than females. Both sexes have a high tolerance for pain and are able to withstand significant physical trauma in combat.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnolls reproduce sexually, with a gestation period of about 3 months. Female gnolls give birth to litters of 2-4 cubs, which are born blind and helpless. The cubs are nursed by their mother for several weeks before they are able to start eating solid food. Young gnolls grow rapidly and reach maturity at around 5 years of age.   Gnolls have a somewhat unique genetic makeup, with some traits inherited from their hyena ancestors as well as their blood-fed counterparts. This makes them highly adaptable and resilient, able to survive in a wide range of environments. However, it also means that they are prone to certain genetic disorders, such as malformed limbs or sensory organs, which can make them vulnerable in certain situations.   In terms of reproduction, gnolls have a complex social structure that includes dominant alpha females who have the most opportunities to mate. However, there is also a significant amount of interbreeding between different clans and tribes, which helps to maintain genetic diversity. Gnolls are not particularly monogamous, and females may mate with multiple partners during their fertile period. In some cases, gnolls will also engage in same-sex pairings or polyamorous relationships.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnolls have a relatively fast growth rate compared to humans and other humanoid races. They reach adulthood at around 6 years old and can live up to 50 years. Gnolls are born with a full set of teeth and are able to crawl and even walk shortly after birth.   During their growth stages, gnolls go through several changes. As newborns, they are completely dependent on their mothers for survival. The cubs are born blind and helpless and remain dependent on their mother's milk for several weeks. As the cubs grow, they go through a series of developmental stages, including teething and the gradual development of their senses and coordination.   As they grow, they become more self-sufficient and learn to hunt and fight. Gnoll pups start to develop their adult teeth and fur at around 3 months of age. At around 6 months, they are fully covered in fur and are about the size of a small dog.   By the time they reach 1 year old, gnolls are about the size of a human child and are already showing signs of aggression and a natural inclination towards violence due to their ancestry. As they continue to age, they become larger and more muscular. Gnolls typically reach their full adult size by the age of 5.   Overall, gnolls have a relatively short childhood and quickly become independent and self-sufficient. Their growth rate and aggressive tendencies make them formidable opponents in combat.

Ecology and Habitats

Gnolls are a nomadic race that inhabits a wide variety of environments. They are most commonly found in the Coldlands, Drylands, Sin's Marsh and deserts, but they can also be found in forests and mountains such as the Eversong or Dwemer Alliance Territories. Gnolls are adaptable and can survive in almost any environment, although they prefer open terrain where they can hunt and scavenge more easily.   Gnoll tribes are typically made up of extended families, and they are often led by a dominant female. Gnolls are primarily carnivorous and will hunt and scavenge for food as needed. They have a preference for fresh meat but are not above eating carrion if necessary. Gnolls are also known to steal food from other creatures or even raid nearby settlements to supplement their diet.   Gnolls are not known for their craftsmanship and tend to use simple, crude weapons and tools. They are skilled at tracking and hunting prey, and they often employ hit-and-run tactics in battle. Gnolls are fierce and aggressive fighters, and they will not hesitate to attack anything they perceive as a threat.   Despite their violent tendencies, gnolls do have a social hierarchy and strong family bonds. They often engage in rough play and mock battles to establish dominance within their pack. Gnolls also have a unique language of their own, which combines barks, growls, and howls with some common words and phrases borrowed from other languages they come in contact with.

Dietary Needs and Habits

In terms of their diet and habitat, gnolls are opportunistic predators that will eat almost anything, including meat, plants, and even carrion. They eat no vegetables as they simply do not have the system to digest plant matter.

Biological Cycle

As far as we know, gnolls do not undergo any significant biological changes due to the passing of time or seasonal changes. However, they may experience shedding of their fur, similar to other canid species, which can occur at various times throughout the year.


Gnolls are known for their aggressive and predatory behavior, often attacking weaker creatures without provocation. They are highly territorial and fiercely protective of their clan or pack. Gnolls are also known for their cannibalistic tendencies, often devouring the flesh of their defeated foes, and sometimes even members of their own pack though this applies more to those who refuse to join the larger society of Argus and is often the woe of those more socialized gnolls.   Gnolls have a strong hierarchical social structure, with a dominant matriarch leading the pack. The pack follows the orders of the leader without question, and any challenge to their authority is met with extreme violence.   Despite their reputation for savagery, gnolls are highly intelligent creatures with a cunning and resourceful nature. They are skilled hunters and trackers, using their keen sense of smell to track prey over long distances. Gnolls are also capable of using simple tools and weapons, and some have even been known to create basic traps.   Gnolls are fiercely loyal to their pack and will go to great lengths to protect their fellow pack members. They are also known for their ferocity in battle, often charging into combat with reckless abandon.   However, gnolls also have a tendency towards greed and avarice, often hoarding any resources they come across. This can lead to conflicts with other creatures or even other gnoll packs.   Overall, gnolls are complex creatures with a mix of aggressive, loyal, and cunning traits.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnolls have keen senses, particularly in terms of smell and hearing. Their long, pointed snouts contain a large number of sensory receptors, allowing them to detect scents from great distances. They have large, pointed ears that can rotate independently to detect even the faintest sounds.   In terms of vision, gnolls have good low-light vision, allowing them to see well in dimly lit environments. However, their vision is not as acute as their other senses, and they may have difficulty distinguishing between colors.   Overall, a gnoll's keen senses make them excellent hunters and trackers in their natural environments. However, they may be susceptible to sensory overload in highly stimulating or overwhelming environments
Scientific Name
Homo Hyaena Spottis
Geographic Distribution

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