Salmyr Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Salmyr, the Beacon of Unity, stands as a shining example of the coexistence of different species within humanoid society. A bustling metropolis in the heart of the supercontinent of Argus, a place where all races come together in harmony. The city is home to a diverse population of humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, gnomes, dragonborn, tieflings, aasimar, and even the more unusual races such as gnolls, goblins, kobolds, trolls, orcs, kitsune, bugbears, fairies, centaurs, minotaurs, and lizardfolk.   One of the city's most impressive features is the network of twelve rivers that flow around it, spreading out in all directions to connect Salmyr to almost every city in the world. The rivers serve as important trade routes, with merchant ships bringing goods from distant lands to be sold in Salmyr's bustling markets. The city's strategic location has made it a hub of commerce and diplomacy, with ambassadors and traders from all corners of the world converging in Salmyr to conduct business.   The streets of Salmyr are teeming with life, with vendors hawking their wares and performers entertaining the crowds. The architecture of the city reflects the diverse cultures that call it home, with grand elven mansions standing next to sturdy dwarven halls and graceful human estates. The city is also home to some of the greatest scholars, artisans, and magical practitioners in the land, attracting visitors from far and wide seeking knowledge, fine crafts, or magical services.   Despite its many charms, Salmyr is not without its challenges. The diverse population has led to tensions in the past, particularly between the more traditional races and the newer arrivals, these so-called "monster" races. They make up only a small minority of the city's population, roughly 10%.   However, the city's leaders have worked hard to promote understanding and cooperation among the different races, and over time, Salmyr has become known as a beacon of unity, where all races can live together in peace.

Industry & Trade

Commercial Hub. Most trades go through here. Produces 60% of transformed goods on a large-scale in all of Argus.


Merchants, Beggars, Diplomats, Nobles



Natural Resources

Water, Stone
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Beacon of Unity, City of the Twelve, Previously: Cold's Grasp
18% Human, 12% Dwarves, 16% Halfings, 12% Dragonborn, 6% Gnomes, 7% Elves, 10% Tieflings, 9% Mixed, 10% Misfits
Inhabitant Demonym

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