Alana So'oan, The godess of Light Character in Arihasa | World Anvil

Alana So'oan, The godess of Light

The shield of Light Alana So'oan

Alana So'oan the godess of light, being the shield of light to protect everything, on the other hand Ya'khir So'oan god of darkness were the sword of darkness. Since the begining of their creation they always clashed on each other, due to different believes on what is the truly important part in the universe. Though they always clashed on each other, they were still siblings. Two sides of one coin, they couldent live with each other, nor could they live without one another. They were both a nuisance for the other gods on times, but they never fought around them. They had different thoughts and believes but they listened to the other gods.   When they created arihasa with the other gods, they knew someday they will fight for real, to see which believes were stronger. Though they never said that out loud, both thought the same.   Alana So'oan brought the light to arihasa, she believed nothing can exist without the light and she swore that she will ever protect what the gods created. When the two gods parted ways to guide their people, the fight of light and darkness came to a hold for the time being.   Though the believes of her were so strong, she influenced the people, she was guiding so much that they turned on everything what dont follows her believes in the world. The fight of light and darkness started once more. Now though she isnt fighting alone, she has something important to protect - the people of arihasa. And so when the war between the kingdomes started, she knew it was about time to finish what she started thousands of years ago. To protect she shall bring light to everyone which fell into darkness.   And so she always stands on the frontline in every fight the people of her guidance has. She never could think on being somewhere else than on the front line and guide the people into the holy war of light and darkness. She gives the people under her guidance hope, the more people are believing in her guidance, the light and in her personally will make her Light of Protection stronger to protect what is important to her.   She is called the protective light, due to her always wielding a sword and shield in a white-golden armor on the frontline. When she is on the frontline, then her people are calmed by her aura of light and her presence in her golden-white armor and a shield with a black symbole on it. No one will fail to follow her into the battle when she rises her Sword to command the start of this battle and runs as the first person into the enemy army. Everyone will follow her, no matter the circumstances.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the time of arihasa, she was always in a fight with the brother Ya'khir So'oan, the God of Darkness. Though no matter how much conflict was between light and dark, they settled the conflicts when the other gods were created. After that, they always held the conflict with away from the other gods. She was always their to protect and support the other gods up to the point of arihasa´s creation, in which she brought the light to the world.   As soon life evolved on arihasa, Alana So'oan presented herself as the godess of light, in the name of light. In a shining golden-white armor and her shield of light, she swore the people that she will protect and guide them. The people she engaged with to that time did not believed in her at all and were sceptical at the begining. She somehow needed to convince the people that she is truly a god of light and so she began to hold speeches about the light and what will come in the future through her brother, Ya'khir So'oan, the God of Darkness. While she was holding the speeches the people, which became unsettled got calmed when she was rising her Sword and her shield began to shine even stronger. The people not only got calmed but also encouraged to defend their kingdome from the masssive evil which is rising fast in the world. She once more swore to protect the people which will follow her and the light, in that time her shield shined once more even brighter. When she was finishing her speech in that moment, she lowered her shield and the light suddenly stopped, with the light also her aura. After a short time the people started to cheer and were kneeling and flattering their wings, in order to show Alina that the people are letting her guide and protect them.   In her first battle with an other kingdome on arihasa, which threatend the peacefull life of her people, she spoke up to the people under her guidance before the war started. She walked through the rows of soldier to the frontline, no one couldent hold her back from doing that. While she walked to the frontline, her shield shined and the people which were unsettled due to the war calmed down fast. When she was standing in front of all the soldier, she began to shine. In her golden-white armor her light was giving the people courage. When she rised her sword and ran to the enemy army alone, to signal the start of the battle no one held back. Everyone followed her into the battle, where the end of their life would be to find.   On the first battlefield against her brother, she fought with the people under her guidance until she realized who the enemy is. When she realized that, she commanded the people to retreat, she knew no one on that battlefield would survive when she let the people fight each other. The enemy forces didnt realized who she was or why her armies retreated and started to cheer. She was now alone on the battlefield against the forces of darkness, the enemy force didnt retreated but fought her instead. When her Brother saw her alone on the battlefield, with her armies retreating he knew who the enemy was. He couldent see the bright shining light on the start of the battle and so he didnt expected her to be his enemy. Ya'khir So'oan got on the battlefield for the first time, no matter if the people he was guiding were on the battlefield, he started the bombardment on her while he was advancing to the frontline. Alana realized that attack on her and screamed that he should lookout for his people. She started to protect the enemy against the bombardement of her brother. The people of her, which retreated before saw that and started to believe even more in her. A godess who even protects the enemy should be the only godess. Her light which is protecting the people of her brother began to shine stronger and stronger.   When her brother stepped in front of her, everyone knew nothing will be what it was after that war. The bright shining light and the darkest of darkness were in the middle of the batlefield, standing against each other. Everything in their area will vanish, no matter what they would do. The sheer strength of their auras alone were enough to bring people to fear, what now will begin. The battle between light and dark.   This was the first battle between light and dark, a rivalry of siblings. Alana hoped that will be the last battle, that this rivalry finally end. Here once and for all the rivalry between light and dark shall end. That was her hope, though it would not be the last that she was standing against her brother.   After the first battle between light and dark, the people under her guidance knew that nothing could protect them from the force of the god of darkness. They needed Alana So'oan, the shield of light.


Ya'khir So'oan, God of Darkness

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Alana So'oan, The godess of Light



Alana So'oan, The godess of Light

Sister (Important)

Towards Ya'khir So'oan, God of Darkness



Work in Progress!

Divine Classification
Godess of light
Current Location
Year of Birth
1000 TDC 9580 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
created through a natural event called a natural manastorm
Circumstances of Death
she rests for unknown time, due to exhausting her power in the holy war between light and darkness
Icy blue
short, blond-gold with black stripes, curley
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black feathers
Ruled Locations


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