Ya'khir So'oan, God of Darkness Character in Arihasa | World Anvil

Ya'khir So'oan, God of Darkness

The sword of Darkness Ya'khir So'oan

Alana So'oan the godess of light, being the shield of light to protect everything, on the other hand Ya'khir So'oan the god of darkness were the sword of darkness. Since the begining of their creation they always clashed on each other, due to different believes on what is the truly important part in the universe. Though they always clashed on each other, they were still siblings. Two sides of one coin, they couldent live with each other, nor could they live without one another. They were both a nuisance for the other gods on times, but they never fought around them. They had different thoughts and believes but they listened to the other gods.   When they created arihasa with the other gods, they knew someday they will fight for real, to see which believes were stronger. Though they never said that out loud, both thought the same.   Ya'khir So'oan brought the darkness to arihasa, to balance out the light in the world and give the the world a time of rest. Without light, darkness cant exist. Though that also means darkness cant exist without the light. The world needs a balance of light and darkness. This fact was not unknown for Ya'khir, but he hated it and was always in conflict with Alana, due to his hate for the light. He swore when he was guiding his people, that the world will be someday in darkness. That dont mean that the world will be in eternal darkness, but in a eternal conflict with each other. The more conflict is in the world, the stronger he will become. He wanted to destroy the peace on arihasa to gain more power, which he also managed to do, the world is now in a holy war. No one ever knows when and if the world ever comes back to a time of peace, due to his people bringing chaos in every kingdome and more whorshippers to the god of darkness.   He rarly is seen in a war between the kingdomes, but if he is seen then he brings chaos, demise and hate to the battlefield. He is not often on the frontline, only to face his sister Alana on the battlefield. When the two of them clash on each other then everything will disapear in their area. Nothing is seen on the battlefield after a conflict of light and darkness. If he is not in a battle with his sister, then he stays either completly of the battlefield or against the other gods, only in the back to give the other gods a hard time with his bombardement of the magic of darkness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the time of arihasa, Ya'khir So'oan, the God of Darkness was always in a fight with his sister Alana So'oan, the godess of light. Though no matter how much conflict was between light and dark, they settled the conflicts when the other gods were created. After that, they always held the conflict away from the other gods. Allthough he didnt cared about the other gods at all, he was forces to compline to his sister, she wouldent have letten the other gods be in danger and pushed him all the time away in a conflict between the two.   When arihasa got created he brought the darkness into the world to balance out the time of light and give the world a time of rest. He was for the majority of the time alone on arihasa, but someday he got stronger, due to the internal conflict on arihasa between the people. So he decided to have some fun and bring chaos into the kingdomes. He forced one of the kingdomes to follow him, not as a god which guides them. He just wanted to get stronger, the people were a tool for him. He brought more chaos into the world, he started to force the people to bring war between the kingdomes which were living peacefull to that time. His dark Aura, which surrounds him at all times were so terrifying that the people started to fear and follow him. He became stronger through that fear, his aura started to corrupt the people around him and so they began to use the dark magic of the god. Allthough much weaker in the hand of mortals, that still didnt saved the people to get corrupted. The aura and magic started to destroy their minds and so the force of darkness were born. The people started to transform into what we would call demons.   Ya'khir always stood away from the battlefield until the day he heard that his sister is also getting stronger through her believes, guidance and as bringer of hope. At that day he was always behind the force of darkness on the battlefield in case he would meet his sister Alana on the battlefield. Ya'khir dont cares about anything surrounding him and so he destroyed everything which stood in his path of getting stronger.   When the first battle of light and dark arrived, he bombarded everything, no matter that his people were fighting the godess of light. When Alana started to protect his people, the felt so much rage in him and swore to destroy everything she is protecting and loving. The only time when he would go on the battlefield, is always against his sister. Nothing stays like it was when the force of light and dark clashes on each other.   He wanted to finish it in that fight once and for all. Though it shouldent be like that. He couldent win against his sister, it was always a tie. But he got the title the sword of darkness, due to him destroying everything in his path and bringing chaos into the world.


Ya'khir So'oan, God of Darkness

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Alana So'oan, The godess of Light



Alana So'oan, The godess of Light

Sister (Important)

Towards Ya'khir So'oan, God of Darkness



Work in Progress!

Divine Classification
God of Darkness
Current Location
Year of Birth
1000 TDC 9580 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
created through a natural event called a natural manastorm
Circumstances of Death
Resting in the divine realm of darkness, due to him being too much damaged
Left eye blue, right eye red
Long, black with blond-golden stripes, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver feathers


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