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Arch-mage Pavatorri

"You can't be free of your own pain, can you? I lived a life revolving around teaching people the arcane arts. In that kind of life, you learn to read people. What were their names? The loved ones you lost?"
  The elderly elf Arch-mage Pavatorri resided as head over The Arcane University, the Crescent Empire's foremost school of the magical arts and source of knowledge. Wise, patient, and pragmatic, Pavatorri was known by many to take a calm approach to any situation, though there were long periods of time when many of the Head Magisters of the University rarely saw him as he spent much of his time reading accounts on The Silver City in his private chambers.   Being a member of the inner court of the Empire, Pavatorri and subsequent Arch Mages have significant influence over the laws and decisions made by the Empire's crown.   Unfortunately, Pavatorri lost his life at the end of the Battle of the New Dawn, being succeeded in title of Arch-mage by Head Magister Chadgar.
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