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Faust - The Deal Maker

"Aw, don't look at me like that. You ever hear the expression "be careful what you wish for"? I'm the one that teaches you mortals how important that really is."
  The enigmatic Faust is the Ancient of Deals, Bargains, Oaths, and Illusion. Regarded as the most chaotic and untrustworthy of the Prime Ancients, some of his kind are said to question why Faust did not rebel against the Creator along with other Fallen during the Cataclysm. If Faust knows the answer to this question, he has deemed not to share it.   Commonly depicted as a black tendril entity with a glowing yellow face, Faust is one of the Ancients known to constantly shift his form to better suit his needs. There are many historical and widely known personal accounts of a traveling merchant or strange beggars offering promises of power and wishes fulfilled. Given this, he is known to be one of the Ancients to interact with the mortal realm the most, despite The Barrier of Providence preventing him from directly influencing it. He likely garners particular enjoyment from 'making mortal life more exciting.'   Faust's aspect is trickery, fulfillment, and consequences of breaking deals, often with his benefit in mind. While not everyone who makes or breaks a promise is tied to Faust, he can often appear to mortals who have made a bargain that he deems interesting, often with the intent of 'sweetening the deal'. This has caused many scholars to contend that Faust has a limited omniscence, making him aware of any creature that has a promise they have yet to fulfill. Faust also boasts a considerable amount of Dark power, though often only used for the creation and fulfillment of pacts bound by magic.  
Usually thought to be reserved for those who failed to uphold their end of a serious bargain, often with the Ancient himself, Faust's realm The Murk  is home to some unfortunate trapped souls who thought to fool or take advantage of the Dealmaker. This grisly fate, along with his innate sleazy nature cause many on Arkos and beyond to distrust and even vilify Faust. They cannot deny however, as Faust is oft to remind them, that the Creator gave him his charge for a reason...whatever that may be.

Divine Domains

Deals, Oaths, Trickery, Illusion

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A purple writing quill. A dagger dripping with ink.

Tenets of Faith

  • Keep your oaths, deliver on your promises. Do not make deals lightly.
  • Always look for opportunity; try to have the upperhand in any transaction.
  • Sometimes the greatest victories are won with words, not weapons.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Ruled Locations


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