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Ferrarius - The Forge Father

"Our worlds are so very broken. They can be fixed; but the need is great, and the workers are few."
  Ferrarius is the Ancient of Fire, the forge, skill and craft. Despite the chaotic nature of fire, he is often regarded as one of the more secluded Ancients, not known to converse often with even his most devout followers. Craftsmen, blacksmiths, forgemasters, artisans, and miners make up the majority of Ferrarius' followers. Ferrarius' followers also have less racial diversity than other Ancient devotees; most of them tend to be dwarves and halflings. Many temples and shrines dedicated to Ferrarius double as active forges and foundries.   Ferrarius resides in The Eternal Forge, an enormous volcanic mountain that houses seas of molten rock and massive forge workers known as Fire Titans. The anvil from which he works from sits atop a large spire in the center of the volcano, with the spire said to be carved by Ferrarius himself. Ferrarius' anvil itself is capable of forging the mightest of tools and weapons; it was here that the Divine Shackles used to seal Nex away during the Battle of the New Dawn were forged by Stryder of The Companions.

Divine Domains

Fire, Forging, Crafting, Legacy

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Hammer striking an anvil. A fiery warhammer.

Tenets of Faith

  • Take pride in your work; in everything you make, make it your best.
  • Legacy takes many forms; create something that lasts and will change the world for the better.
  • Talent is lost if not used; strive to hone your craft constantly, whatever it may be.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Ruled Locations


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