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More despised than shunned by many of the civilized common races of Western Arkos, goblinkind generally fit into one of two categories similar to the undead that litter the world; those with intelligence and those without it. Goblinkind with intelligence have been known to try and integrate themselves into some facet of society, though it is difficult for the small creatures to occupy such an uneasy place in a dangerous world, and many goblinkind may be tempted to lash out and bully other creatures they believe they can take advantage of.   This distinction in the goblinoid race between the savage and mild ones seems to stem from The Cataclysm, when the Fallen Ancient Vaati cursed the mortal races of goblinkind to be mindless brutes used to sow chaos. Since then, many members of goblinkind seek to reclaim whatever lost heritage they may have lost during those fateful closing days of the First Age.  


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