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The Iron Dominion

To win any battle, you must fight as if you are already dead. No fear, no hesitation, no surprise, no doubt. - A Famous Dominion Saying   The Iron Dominion is a military governed country on the eastern side of Scandia. Its population is primarily comprised of Hobgoblins, Goblins, and Bugbears, with a small amount of Tortles on the eastern isles. A relatively new nation comparatively on Western Arkos, the Iron Dominion was created from the union of several goblinoid tribes under a single banner. Being mainly commerece focused, the Dominion met little resistance in its initial expansion across eastern Scandia, and many assume the leadership of the Dominion has its sights set on the rest of the continent.     The dominion has developed a reputation of having a very militaristic and disciplined culture, and are often seen as imperialist or rigid by other nations. The dominion is not against cooperation, however, and those who have been within its borders have even reported the locals as being somewhat amicable. Dominion society is highly regimented and very organized, and the nation is known for its strict discipline and work ethic. Most citizens are willing to do what needs to be done, and they always follow through. The Iron Dominion gets its name from the absurd amount of raw iron ore mined and used by the dominion military.   The Dominion military is the center of its society. It is not just an armed force; it is an all-encompassing public works organization. The military police are also the civic police. The fire brigades serve the civilian population as well as military facilities. The corps of engineers builds and maintains dockyards, public squares and roads. The merchant marine ensures that all areas get needed resources. Since dominion culture is based on the structure of a military hierarchy, changes and advances accepted by the leadership are quickly adopted by the rest of society with minimal resistance. Citizens are taught to have a strong sense of personal accountability, the 'hobgoblin honor' that other races find so remarkable and jarring.   Perhaps most remarkable is the Dominion's absolute freedom of religion and can practice whatever appeals to them so long as it does not impede anyone's ability to perform their duties. Citizens are just as likely to follow The Church of Creation as they are a Fallen Ancient. All citizens of the Dominion are expected to serve in the military in some capacity once they are of age. Higher-ranked citizens are expected to lead and protect subordinates. Lower-ranking citizens are expected to obey and support superiors. Promotion to a higher rank is based on the personal assessment of one's superiors and co-rankers. Throughout their lives, citizens ascend to the higher tiers and are occasionally "demoted" to lower ones. The stigma associated with demotion lies not on the individual, but on those who promoted them when they weren't ready for additional responsibility. This curbs the tendency to promote individuals into positions beyond their capabilities. Settling into a role and rank is not considered stagnation.   The leader of the Iron Dominion is known as the Hierarch, and rules the nation with absolute authority. Hierarchs are known to be great warriors and accomplished tacticians in their own right, and often rely on generals to for advice on how to approach issues within and outside the dominion.


Predominant Ancient: Morag

With Iron Fist & Iron Will

Founding Date
720 3A
Geopolitical, Stratocracy


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