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The Luminaries

Peace is the noblest aspiration. But in order to preserve it, you must be willing to fight.   The Luminaries are an independent military organization originally based out of Paxmal. After the far-reaching effects of the Battle of the New Dawn and The Kindling, many members of the Holy Order of Paxmal felt the nation's pacifist ideology did more harm than good. If a threat like Nex were to ever arrive back on Arkos, Paxmal would be defenseless and unable to offer assistance to other nations aside from prayer and slow moving resources.   Thus, several like-minded citizens from the Holy Order formed the Luminaries in order to uphold Paxmal's ideals of keeping the peace and serving the Creator, but with a firm sword in hand if necessary. The Holy Order quickly condemned the newfound organization, leading the Luminaries to travel across Western Arkos to promote their interests and recruit new members in the past few years.   Opinions on the Luminaries differ from nation to nation, individual to individual. While many are grateful for the heroic deeds many luminaries have performed and their fight against dark magic, there are many others who believe the luminaries have no business interfering in affairs and regions that do not concern them.
Founding Date
1002 3A
Military Order
Notable Members


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