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The Phoenix Academy

"We all have unique weaknesses. If we're honest about what they are, we can learn how to best take advantage of them." - Headmaster Atris   When Alexandros Mengsk first united the noble houses of Oreion under a singular rule, he warned his overseers not to invade the southern peoples of the continent of Solanus. Some subjects did not listen, and were soundly beaten due to their lack of manpower from the war of the houses and the brilliant strategies of the southerns. The brilliant scholars and strategists that resided in what would later become the Kingdom of Velant banded together to form the Phoenix Academy.   The largest collection of knowledge on the continent of Solanus, the academy has produced some of the greatest historians and scholars in Arkos' history, responsible for maintaining the timelines of Western Arkos' countries and debating the events of ages past. The Academy also displays and holds artifacts of historical/cultural signifigance that explorers/adventurers have brought back from overseas.   While the academy has strong ties to the Solidus crown, it also has a large shrine dedicated to the Ancient Dulcis, and while not comparable to The Arcane University there are a number of powerful magic users among the ranks of the academics. The eight schools of magic are extensively studies as a part of most of the Academy's curriculum, though Necromancy has seen a decline since the events of the Battle of the New Dawn. While The Arcane University focuses its studies on the different elements that comprise magic, the Academy focuses instead on the schools of magical spell casting themselves. The Academy is presided over by the Headmaster and their council of First Readers, who oversee the studies of those attending the academy and the higher, political workings of the institution.  

Knowledge is Power

Founding Date
677 3A
Educational, School/Academy


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