DANHAN HARBORCITY Settlement in ARKTORIA | World Anvil
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The Danhan harborcity is a massive harbor that lies in the eastern coastal shores of Pharas, next to the Boltane Sea. Named after its founder Danhan, the city functions as the harbor and hub of the Pharas people. Danhan contains different districts that are fueled by the imports & exports brought by the occupants, from the sailing crews to the foreign importers. The government of the harborcity is headed by the Danhan Council, lead by the Mayor and the city council.


The inhabitants of the Harborcity are primarily Pharas people, although people from neighboring nations also occupy the city. People from the outer settlements of Sarton, the Sigvill tribes, & smaller tribes are found here.


Danhan is divided into several districts that contains the various activities for the city, from the essentials to the recreational. Most are open to the public with some areas are restricted according to the policies in place by the city council.
The Harbor districts are where all of the harbors are located, containing the sea-air based activity that Danhan is famous for. This districts is divided into two sub-districts, the merchant harbors and the naval harbors. The Naval harbors contains the ships used by the Pharas naval forces, restricted to the public excepts for tours or special requests. The merchant harbors are harbors that are open to the public, containing the ships for trade, travels, and resource hauling.
The Recreational district is a large are that contains all of the recreational activities for the harborcity. These activities are racing (aerial, land, & water racing), archery contests, artisan halls, food halls, dueling rings, festival halls, and theaters. These are the activities allowed in Danhan, as anything of an shady or unsavory nature are banned.
The Council district is a smaller district where the City Council conducts its business, with the council offices being located here. There is a public hall that allows residents to meet with the city council to discuss issues pertaining to Danhan. There are no residential homes in the Council district, as council members are expected to have their own personal residences (including the mayor).
The Residential districts are the homes of the people who live in Danhan, ranging from commoners to the members of the city council. The residential district is spread out so that residents have enough space to plants small gardens if they desire. Native residents do not pay an residential cost, while residents who are foreign are expected to pay an cost (they can avoid this if they sojourn in Pharas lands for a set number of years).
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Location under


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