BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by Jdebro

Mankind, also called Humans, are the most numerous and dominant civilized kind of Aretz, having the greatest range and stake in virtually every corner of the world. Mankind are considered to be the standard or average to how the biology, psychology, and culture of other kinds are compared. Humans are also notable for having the greatest affinity for the supernatural that mostly surpasses that of any known kind (not counting divine beings & other residents of the Spiritual Realm).
Mankind has a wide variety of ethnicities that have made their mark in the history of Aretz, in some fashion that is reflected in different parts of the world. Mankind are known for their adaptability, versatility, and intelligence that has enabled them to build most of the largest and prosperous nations in Aretz.
Homeland Hierarchy Political system Religious system Social system
varies varies varies Usually monotheistic, with some following other beliefs varies
Locomotion Diet Genetic variation Ecology & Habitat Special abilities
Bipedal Omnivorous Very high Organic High affinity with otherworldly phenomena
Technological level Level of intelligence Average lifespan Average Height Average Weight
Highly advanced technological level (capable of creating paratek) Highly advanced to at least Genius-level (capable of greater intellect beyond this) 1000-8,000 years varies varies
Unusual Features Designation
varies Mankind, Humans varies

Basic Information


Humans are four-limbed bipedals with a bilateral symmetry to their bodies. They have a head, neck, torso, four limbs (two arms and two legs). The arms ended in hands that have five fingers, while their legs end in feet that have five toes. Human fingers have multiple points of articulation, with one being a thumb that allowed for fine manipulation. Humans have one head perched atop a torso. They also have a light covering of body hair that varies among individuals.
Humans also varied greatly in appearance with no two humans looking exactly alike (except for twins). Human height is diverse with the human average being 1.70 to 1.80 meters in heights. Usually males are taller than females on average. Human hair was grown, cut, and styled for various reasons ranging from personal hygiene to ritualistic purposes. Facial hair grown by adult males could be grown, styled, or completely clean shaven. Their hair color ranged from blond to black with hues of red and brown being present. Their hair color can change to grey or white as years pass or due to an genetic quirk. Human hair can be straight, wavy, or curly. Human eye color comes in shades of blue, green, gray, or brown. Some can exhibit colors of red due to heterochromia being present in human biology. Skin tone for mankind comes in shades of brown, lighter shades, to even pale skin. Appearance diversity among Humans is quite common.
Humans have quite a robust physiology that allows them to push them to greater physical feats that are quite impressive, with their physical traits allowing them to match the strengh of some members of the Beast races.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduced sexually with offspring being produced after the mating of an adult human male with a adult human female. The child typically develops in the womb of the mother, who had a distinctive shape that’s accompanied by weight gain during the process. The child (or children) develop for a period of nine months, with the child being born through live birth. Two or more children born from the same birth delivery are referred to as twins, triplets, etc. The delivery process could be painful for the mothers, although there are many cases where the mother can experience no pain at all. Due to the robustness of the human physiology, it is not unheard of for human women to rapid produce children within a small span of a few years.
Genetic Descendants
1,000-8,000 years
Average Height
1.70 to 1.80 meters
Average Weight


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