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LERITH (le-ri-th)

Written by Jdebro


The Lerith, a term meaning “half-born”, are a people who are of human and alfar descent, making them half-alfar from these unions. They can also be descended from two half-alfar parents. Among the most distinct features of Leriths are partly pointed ears, although nowhere near as large as full-bloodied alfar. They retain the height and weight variations that are common among humanity.
Due to their heritage, Leriths often felt alone or isolated to being raised commonly on their human parents as some elements of alfar society hold disdain for Leriths. Some Alfar houses were quick to reject half-alfar from their society, unless that house was in danger of dying out. Leriths reach maturity after twenty years. Leriths also have a unique connection with the Adakin, as they are quite curious about the peculiar ways of the Adakin people.


Homeland Hierarchy Political system Religious system Social system
Varies varies Varies varies Aristocracy, caste, etc.
Genetic Variation Synthetic or organic?
Special abilities
Bipedal Omnivorous
Same as Humans
High affinity for the supernatural
Technological level Level of intelligence Average lifespan Average Height Average Weight
Highly advanced technological level (capable of creating paratek)
Highly advanced to at least Genius-level (capable of greater intellect beyond this)
1,000-8,000 years
varies varies
Unusual Features Designation
Pointed ears that are longer than humans, but considerably shorter than Alfar Lerith, half-breeds, varies

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Leriths are born from human and alfar heritage, or from two leriths of such ancestry. All Leriths have pointed ears that are the same size as human ears, but nowhere as pointed as commonly found in alfarkind. Leriths tend to have the same average height of humans, usually between 5 and 6 cubits tall. Leriths are exclusively of the part-human part-alfar variety, as unions with beings of otherworld are completely shunned (at least outside of Otherworld). Plus, the term Leriths is linked intrinsically with the half-human half-alfar variety. Leriths also have the same average weight of humans, weighing in on average between 130 and 190 pounds. Leriths share the same variety of skin complexions that humans have. The hair color variety of lerith contains colors that are not found in humans, such as having bronze colored hair.
Male Leriths are capable of growing facial hair fully and often did so freely without much reservation aside from personal preference. Some grew entire beards that are well-kept mostly, some took time to trim their facial hair to the lengths desire, and others prefer to be clean shaven. Leriths usually adopted the fashion and hairstyles of the culture they were raised by. There are some who prefer to wear the clothing that is commonly found in the alfar domains.
Leriths matured at the same rate as humans and shared the long lifespans of huamns as well. Leriths can live up to 1,000 to 8,000 years with the age of adulthood starting around the age of 20.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Leriths often adopt the social customs of whatever lands he or she was born or raised into. Leriths found in Gershon adopt the customs of the Gershonites, while thise born in Kerrosano adopt those customs. This applies to every Lerith living within the realms of Lavantia.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Due to being rejected by the Alfar, many Leriths have formed communities to look out for themselves. Leriths don’t live in no singular homeland but are found the majority of Lavantia. These communities started small as villages within wooded areas, but grew into larger settlements over the generations. These settlements soon became cities that grew into kingdoms.
Lerith settlements are found in places such as Gershon, Kerrosano, Swindon, to name a few. Lerith communities can also be found in remote regions of Lavantia, such as the Sigvill lands where some have formed their own Sigvill tribes.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Leriths are commonly found in the realms of Lavantia, and are generally accepted most most of the nations there. Humans tend to like Leriths for the most part, often found interacting with them in many parts of society. The Beast races often are general well-deposed to leriths socializing with them as well.
The Adakin are very interesting to the Leriths due to the very nature of the Adakin are former half-alfar themselves, before declaring their alignment with mankind. Leriths are well-regarded by the Adakin, while Leriths are curious about the Adakin and their ways.
The outside of Lavantia hold some regard for Leriths save for a few houses, taking the view that human blood dilutes the “superior” alfar blood. They generally view them as acceptable for their society, although that can vary greatly. Some parts of alfar society view the birth of most lerith children as a betrayal.
One reason for this is that the alfar genome has been stated to be “adaptive”, having more to do with magic than simple breeding. However, The human genome is so robust that it often becomes more dominant in the breeding, overtaking the alfar genome quite easily. This is likely why no pure alfar have been born from human-alfar relations.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
1,000-8,000 years
Geographic Distribution


Leriths are quite varied as to what faith traditions that they practice, and that variation is based on location and personal preference. There are Leriths who choose to remain neutral to any faith, while being mostly respectful to different beliefs. Others are more partial to the Adonailym faith, being quite curious about the ways of the Adakin who practice the faith. They even adopt many of the customs of the Adonailym, rejecting the pagan faiths outright while acknowledging the deity of that faith.
A small number of Leriths adopted the magical traditions that are found in the pagan faiths, favoring the worship of a number of deities or nature spirits. They adopt the myths and customs of these pagan faiths, openly acknowledging them among the public.


Most Leriths align generally with all things that are good as they prefer to live alongside their neighbor. Others align themselves as neutral as they do not particularly choose one side to the other. There are Leriths who have aligned themselves with evil, generally choosing the more wicked path for different reasons.


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