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Carthia - Subcontinent

In the heart of the Medusi Sea, a beacon of civilisation rises from the chaotic lands of Arora, an island where the potential of human society reaches its pinnacle. Carthia, the jewel of Erothi's southern shores, is a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people, who have forged a thriving trade hub amid the endless uncertainty that shrouds the world. As the Magnus of The Royal College of Natural Philosophy, I have travelled across the vast extents of Arora and can find myself proud to call Carthia the most blessed of homes, owing to the grandeur of its cities, its pure faith, and the simple beauty of its countryside and common peoples. Under the reign of the storied Reagus Dynasty, Carthia has known a century and a half of peace and unity, an uncommon blessing in these tumultuous times.

This era of tranquillity can be traced back to the visionary Atrius Reagus, whose fervent beliefs and unyielding determination transformed him from a humble theologian into our revered prophet. Under the will of Tarolas himself, Atrius led a holy campaign, uniting the warring city-states and becoming crowned as Priorator of The Church of Taro, Sancti Caesar of The Medusian Dominion, and King of Carthia. The iron grip of the Reagus Dynasty and the unwavering devotion to The Church of Taro have allowed Carthia to maintain its stability and power. However, the nation's governance is far from monolithic. The remnants of the ancient city-state senatorial system still play a vital role in managing the affairs of the land. Yet, these once-democratic foundations have decayed into a plutocracy, where wealth and birth right supersede merit, and the Senate is an amalgam of honourable and corrupt nobles and veterans. The delicate dance of manipulating the Senate is a challenge the Reagus Dynasty must continuously contend with, as they seek to maintain control over the diverse and often competing interests of their realm.

Carthia's society mirrors its unique political landscape, blending cosmopolitan urbanity with a rustic, agrarian way of life. The bustling cities are sustained by the toils of the rural serfs, who, in turn, rely on the protection of their urban counterparts against both internal strife and the untamed dangers lurking beyond the edges of the settled lands. This symbiotic relationship has fostered a fragile sense of security in the face of Arora's ever-present chaos. Yet, the tranquillity enjoyed by the people of Carthia is a veneer that barely conceals the perils that surround them. While the north-eastern lands have been tamed and settled, much of the country remains shrouded in dense jungles and untamed wilderness. Even the heart of Carthia is consumed by the enigmatic Atsali Plains, a desolate wasteland tainted by foul, corrupting air, and the menace of the roaming Rhysar. The imposing mountains that cleave the island further conceal untold dangers and mysteries, their uncharted depths beckoning only the most daring.

Throughout my travels in Carthia, I have encountered a remarkable tapestry of people, both rich and poor, noble, and common, who form the backbone of this great land. I have marvelled at the vibrant urban centres, where art, culture, and commerce thrive, and where the echoes of the past reverberate in the grand architecture and storied streets. In the countryside, I have witnessed the earthy resilience of the agrarian communities, their lives shaped by the rhythms of the land and the ceaseless cycle of the seasons. I have come to appreciate the delicate balance that defines Carthia, a land where the forces of order and chaos coexist in precarious harmony. The achievements of the Carthian people are a testament to their tenacity, ingenuity, and unwavering spirit, and their story serves as a shining example of what human civilization can accomplish in the face of adversity.

In the annals of Arora's history, Carthia stands as a beacon of hope, a sanctuary amid the storms of chaos that buffet this world. It is a land of contrasts and contradictions, where ancient traditions intermingle with modern aspirations, and where the line between the known and the unknown is ever shifting. The story of Carthia and its people is a tale of triumph and tragedy, of heroes and villains, and of the endless struggle to forge a brighter future in the shadow of the past. I forever carry with me the memories and lessons of Carthia, and I am ever grateful for the opportunity to bear patronage and allegiance to this extraordinary corner of the world.

The Landscapes of Carthia

Carthia is a land of striking contrasts and untamed beauty. The terrain and people of this land reflect a storied history and the innate will to survive amidst the dangers of Arora. In the east and northeast, the Epilesi Woodlands stretch out like a green quilt, with sparse woodland plains that house both weary farmers and bustling marketplaces. Vigilate, the heart of this principality, is a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the seat of Priorator Titus Reagus. Here, the dense cosmopolitan culture meets the relentless grit of rural life, creating a vibrant mosaic of people who, despite adversity, continue to thrive. The Chryso Valley, a densely forested and river-carved jewel in the heart of Carthia, is a sanctuary for the few who dare to call it home. The settlement of Limani, nestled deep within the valley, stands as a monument to the resilience of those who seek solace in this verdant land. The people of Chryso Valley are hardened by their struggle to coexist with the surrounding wilderness, maintaining a delicate balance between man and nature.

The Agrios Jungle in the east is an enigmatic and untamed region, where human settlements are scarce, and the line between civilization and wilderness is blurred. The brave souls who reside in the shadow of the jungle's canopy know all too well the price of survival in this unforgiving environment. Rytia, a small settlement, is a beacon of determination for those who have carved a life out of the wild depths of the Agrios Jungle. To the northeast, the densely forested Samsyr Hill region stands as a testament to the resilience of its inhabitants. Here, the people have adapted to the hilly terrain, cultivating the land, and eking out a living in harmony with the forests. No large settlements exist in this region, but the scattered communities are bound by their shared grit and determination. The central region of Carthia is marked by the desolate Atsali Plains, a jagged wasteland where only the hardiest venture. The inhospitable landscape is home to a meagre population, who cling to existence amidst the harsh terrain. The untamed beauty of the Rhodopi Mountains in central Carthia stands in stark contrast to the plains, with their snowy peaks and hidden valleys. The mountain settlement of Pria is a haven for those who have embraced the mountain's challenges and found solace in its rugged embrace.

The flat, grassy Prasino Lowlands in the north are a tapestry of agricultural prosperity, where the people of Carnua have forged a life out of the land. In the northwest, the Katara Woods cloak the region in a thick, deep forest that both nurtures and threatens those who dwell within. Katarfio, the capital of Katar and the seat of Secorator Tuso Reagus, is a bastion of strength in this verdant yet treacherous realm. The Agias and Rhodos principalities share the lush Agias Valley, a thickly forested region that provides sustenance and shelter for the people of Vioma. To the west, the Renyua Valley, with its lightly forested landscape, offers a more forgiving terrain for the inhabitants of Stracho, the capital of Agias and the seat of Prince Marcus Reagus. These valleys serve as a cradle for life, where communities have learned to coexist with the land and its resources.

The southwestern region of Carthia is dominated by the Urfedden Jungle, an impenetrable rainforest teeming with life and dangers. The people who call the Urfedden home, such as those in the settlement of Primaum, have adapted to the jungle's whims, respecting its power, and understanding its perils. The uneasy coexistence between humans and Urmans in this region adds to the delicate balance that defines life in the Urfedden. The southern region of Carthia is marked by the arid and unforgiving landscape of the Elosi Sands. Despite the harsh conditions, the people of Eliopetra, the capital of Elios and seat of Princess Talis Reagus, have persevered, creating an oasis of civilization amid the desert. The resilience of these desert dwellers is a testament to the indomitable spirit of Carthians. Finally, the southeast of Carthia is defined by the rugged and savannah-like terrain of the Sharpfist Peaks. This wide mountain range is home to hardy communities like Lanum, whose inhabitants have learned to thrive amidst the dry and challenging landscape.

In Carthia, the struggles of its people against the land have shaped a diverse and robust society. From the dense forests of the Katara Woods to the arid expanse of the Elosi Sands, Carthians have forged their existence amidst the myriad challenges presented by their homeland. The spirit of survival and resilience has shaped the diverse communities that populate this vast realm. It is the grit and determination of Carthians that have allowed them to prosper despite the harsh realities of life on Arora. Yet, the world of Arora is ever-changing, and Carthia must adapt and evolve to maintain its position as the shining light of human civilization. The delicate balance between humans and Urmans, the ongoing struggle against the unforgiving terrain, and the power struggles between nobles and commoners all contribute to the rich tapestry that is Carthian society. Amidst the eternal chaos of Arora, Carthia stands as a beacon of hope and testament to the indomitable human spirit.

As the Priorator Titus Reagus and his kin navigate the complex web of politics, religion, and power, the people of Carthia continue to persevere. The ever-present dangers of Arora serve as a reminder that the peace and prosperity enjoyed by Carthia are hard-won and must be defended at all costs. One cannot help but admire the tenacity of the Carthian people and the striking beauty of the land they call home. From the bustling cities to the remote and dangerous wilderness, Carthia is a realm of grit, determination, and adaptability. The future of Carthia, and indeed the world of Arora, will be shaped by the resilience of its people and their unwavering will to survive.

The above is an excerpt on Carthia from The Chronicles of Arora by Siros Heron, present Magnus of The Royal College of Natural Philosophy and the Magistar of Chorography:


Carthia, a large island in the Medusa Sea, is part of the Erothi continent and has a diverse geography. It is divided into several regions: Epilesi Woodlands, Chryso Valley, Agrios Jungle, Samsyr Hill, Atsali Plains, Rhodopi Mountains, Prasino Lowlands, Katara Woods, Agias Valley, Renyua Valley, Urfedden Jungle, Elosi Sands, and Sharpfist Peaks. The terrain ranges from sparse woodlands, dense forests, jungles, hills, valleys, plains, wastelands, and mountains to lowlands, deserts, and savannas. Carthia covers approximately 200,000 square miles, with varying population densities across the regions.

The Carthian population is primarily human, with some other species and the native Urmans living mostly in areas where humans have not settled. The Urmans are generally wary of humans, and their population numbers remain uncertain. Human settlements are governed by a mix of royalty and plutocratic systems, and the society reflects a blend of cosmopolitan and agrarian cultures. Carthia is currently ruled by the Priorator Titus Reagus of the Reagus Dynasty, with various family members holding titles in different principalities.

Table 1: Geographic Regions of Carthia
RegionLandscapeLocationDemographicsLargest City
Epilesi WoodlandsSparse Woodland PlainsEast160,000Vasilo
Chryso ValleyDensely Forested and Rivered ValleyCentral16,000Limani
Agrios JungleSparse Equatorial JungleEast4,800Rytia
Samsyr HillDensely Forested HillNortheast4,000n/a
Atsali PlainsJagged Plains, WastelandsCentral100n/a
Rhodopi MountainsSteep, Snowy MountainsCentral7,000Pria
Prasino LowlandsFlat Grassy PlainsNorth28,000Carnua
Katara WoodsVery Thick Deep ForestsNorthwest9,600Katarfio
Agias ValleyThick Forested ValleyWest16,000Vioma
Renyua ValleyLightly Forested ValleyWest24,000Stracho
Urfedden JungleRainforestSouthwest12,800Primaum
Elosi SandsDesertSouth16,000Eliopetra
Sharpfist PeaksDry, Savanna, Wide MountainsSoutheast4,000Lanum

Major Settlements

Principal Capitals

  • Vasilo - Kingswatch: Capital of The Principality of Epilesi, The Dominion of Carthia, and the Medusian Empire. Seat of Priorator Titus Reagus, Lord of Vasilo, Prince of Epilesi, King of Carthia, and Emperor of the Medusi Sea.
  • Stracho - Ashview: Capital of The Principality of Agias. Seat of Marcus Reagus, Lord of Stracho and Prince of Agias.
  • Katarfio - Timberkeep: Capital of The Principality of Katar. Seat of Secorator Tuso Reagus, Lord of Katarfio and Prince of Katar.
  • Eliopetra - Sunstone: Capital of The Principality of Elios. Seat of Talis Reagus, Lady of Eliopetra and Princess of Elios.
  • Pria: Capital of The Presidium of Rhodos. Seat of the Theorator Gaia, Theorator of the Church of Taro as well as Lukas Muscius, Presidi of the Pria Senate.


  • Limani:
  • Vioma:
  • Carnua:
  • Mitius:
  • Santum:
  • Pidius:
  • Odunum :
  • Rytia:
  • Diator:
  • Lanium :
  • Cabaea:
  • Talta:


Carthia, situated in the Medusa Sea within the Erothi continent, boasts a diverse range of geographic features. The terrain varies from plains, rolling hills, and mountains to valleys, dense forests, and jungles, reflecting the unique characteristics of each region. The northeastern Epilesi Woodlands are characterized by sparse woodlands, while the Chryso Valley in central Carthia consists of densely forested and rivered landscapes. The island is surrounded by the sea, providing access to abundant marine resources and serving as a trading hub for emerging human kingdoms and empires. Freshwater sources are found across Carthia, with rivers and lakes nourishing the land and its inhabitants. The Rhodopi Mountains, located in central Carthia, feature steep, snowy peaks, offering breathtaking views and presenting formidable challenges for explorers. The Prasino Lowlands in the north consist of flat grassy plains, while the Katara Woods in the northwest are home to dense, deep forests. Southwest Carthia's Urfedden Jungle is a lush rainforest, while the Elosi Sands in the south are characterized by expansive desert landscapes. The Sharpfist Peaks in the southeast feature a unique combination of dry savanna and wide mountains. Throughout Carthia, the diverse geography contributes to the island's natural beauty and distinct regional identities.


Carthia's diverse geography leads to a complex and interconnected ecosystem where various organisms and environmental components interact in unique ways. The biological organisms in each region have adapted to the specific conditions of their physical environment, forming specialized and dynamic ecosystems.   In the densely forested areas like Chryso Valley and Katara Woods, a rich biodiversity thrives, with flora and fauna existing in a delicate balance. The forests provide habitats for numerous species, including large mammals, small rodents, and a plethora of bird species. These organisms participate in complex food webs, with predators and prey maintaining equilibrium within the ecosystem. The rivers and lakes in the valleys also support aquatic life, such as fish, amphibians, and invertebrates, while providing essential water resources for terrestrial life. The Agrios Jungle and Urfedden Rainforest feature lush equatorial and tropical ecosystems, teeming with a vast array of plant and animal species. These dense habitats provide homes for unique organisms, many of which have evolved to occupy specific niches within the environment. The high levels of precipitation in these regions support abundant plant growth, leading to dense canopies and a thriving undergrowth. In contrast, the Elosi Sands in the south present a harsh, arid environment where water is scarce. Here, plants and animals have developed unique adaptations to conserve water and withstand the intense heat. The species in this region tend to be hardier, with smaller populations spread across the vast desert expanse. The Rhodopi Mountains and Sharpfist Peaks are characterized by steep, rugged terrain and colder climates, especially at higher elevations. The organisms in these areas have adapted to the challenging conditions, with hardy plants that can withstand strong winds, thin soil, and cold temperatures. Many animals here are well-adapted to the mountains, including agile mammals like mountain goats, as well as birds of prey that use the thermals for effortless soaring. Due to the harsh conditions, the number of species decreases as the altitude increases, with only the most resilient lifeforms surviving at the highest elevations. The grassy Prasino Lowlands and Samsyr Hill, with their gently rolling landscapes, support a mix of ecosystems. These regions host a variety of plant and animal life, including grazing mammals like deer and bovines, which shape the landscape through their grazing habits. These grasslands are interspersed with pockets of woodland, offering a diverse range of habitats for different species.

Ecosystem Cycles

In Carthia, the ecosystem cycles are influenced by the passing of seasons, bringing about a myriad of changes in the environment and the behaviours of its diverse inhabitants. As the warm embrace of spring arrives, the island awakens from its winter slumber, with flora bursting into vibrant displays of colours and foliage, heralding the arrival of bountiful resources for the fauna. Migratory birds return to nest in the verdant Epilesi Woodlands and Chryso Valley, while the Agrios Jungle witnesses a surge in activity as the dense vegetation provides shelter and sustenance for various creatures. Summer in Carthia is marked by long days and abundant sunlight, leading to increased growth and productivity across the island's ecosystems. The Rhodopi Mountains experience the blooming of alpine flowers, attracting pollinators that play a crucial role in maintaining the fragile balance of these high-altitude habitats. In the Prasino Lowlands and Katara Woods, mating seasons for many species coincide with the summer months, taking advantage of the plentiful resources to raise their young. Meanwhile, the Elosi Sands become a harsher environment, with its specialized fauna adopting nocturnal behaviour or burrowing deep into the sand to escape the scorching heat. As autumn descends upon Carthia, the landscapes transform into a symphony of warm hues. The inhabitants of the island, both flora and fauna, prepare for the impending winter months. Trees in the Agias and Renyua Valleys shed their leaves, conserving energy for the colder season. Many animals, such as the bears in the Samsyr Hill and the Agrios Jungle, accumulate fat reserves in preparation for hibernation. In contrast, other creatures, like the swift-footed deer of the Prasino Lowlands, migrate to milder climates to escape the chill. The Urfedden Jungle sees a shift in species competition as some animals adapt to the changing availability of food and shelter. As winter finally blankets Carthia, the Sharpfist Peaks are covered in thick layers of snow and ice, creating a formidable landscape where only the hardiest of species can endure. The island's fauna either hibernate or seek shelter in the warmth of burrows and caves, while others adapt to the harsh conditions, hunting for scarce prey and foraging for what little sustenance the environment offers. In the Rhodopi Mountains, predator-prey dynamics become even more pronounced, as wolves and other carnivores sharpen their skills in the hunt for elusive game. Throughout these cyclical changes, the ecosystems of Carthia exhibit remarkable resilience and adaptability. As seasons come and go, the rich tapestry of life woven across the island evolves, ensuring the continuation of its diverse flora and fauna, all intricately interconnected in a delicate balance that both shapes and defines the captivating landscapes of Carthia.

Localized Phenomena

Within the heart of Carthia, there exists a mesmerizing natural wonder that few have had the privilege to witness. The Agrios Jungle, with its dense and seemingly impenetrable foliage, conceals a unique phenomenon that occurs only on nights when the sky is bathed in the ethereal glow of a full moon. The jungle's indigenous ferrous flora, known as the Ironbloom, interacts with the moon's celestial light to create a spectacle of luminescent beauty. The Ironbloom's metallic petals shimmer and pulse with iridescent hues, emitting a soft, otherworldly hum. This extraordinary display, referred to as the Moon's Dance by locals, has captured the imagination of Carthian poets and artists for centuries, inspiring countless works of art and literature. Deep within the treacherous reaches of the Rhodopi Mountains, amid the howling winds and relentless snowstorms, lies the enigmatic Veil of Frost. This peculiar weather phenomenon manifests as a perpetual, swirling mist that shrouds the peaks in an icy embrace. The Veil of Frost is believed to be the result of a rare convergence of localized wind patterns and high concentrations of suspended ice particles. The swirling, ghostly mist has given rise to legends of spirits and supernatural beings that dwell within the mountains, guarding long-lost secrets and treasures from those who dare to trespass into their realm. The Elosi Sands, a vast and unforgiving desert, is home to a curious phenomenon known as the Whispering Dunes. On the hottest, stillest days, when the sun beats down mercilessly upon the parched sands, the dunes seem to come alive with a mysterious murmuring sound. Scholars believe that this phenomenon is caused by the movement of sand grains as they cascade down the shifting dunes, producing a peculiar and haunting resonance. The sound, which can be both soothing and eerie, has fuelled local folklore that speaks of ancient spirits that communicate through the sand, whispering their secrets to those who dare to listen.


Carthia, the shining gem of Arora, boasts a diverse and complex climate that varies across its numerous regions, shaping the lives of its inhabitants and the natural wonders that abound. Influenced by its geographical location within the Medusa Sea and surrounded by the southern shores of Erothi, Carthia experiences an array of climate patterns. In the coastal areas, the climate is predominantly Mediterranean, with mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The gentle sea breeze tempers the summer heat and ensures a pleasant environment for the bustling cities and trade hubs that thrive on the coast. The coastal climate contributes to the rich cosmopolitan culture of Carthia's cities, fostering vibrant outdoor gatherings, markets, and festivals. As one ventures inland, the climate transitions to a more temperate continental type, characterized by greater seasonal variations. The Epilesi Woodlands, Chryso Valley, and Renyua Valley exhibit this continental influence, with hot summers and cold winters, often accompanied by abundant snowfall. This climate fosters a diverse array of flora and fauna that have adapted to the seasonal changes, and Carthia's people take advantage of the natural bounty provided by these cycles. Further south, the climate becomes more extreme, with the Elosi Sands and Sharpfist Peaks presenting an arid desert environment, where scorching temperatures during the day give way to frigid nights. The flora and fauna of this region have developed remarkable survival adaptations to cope with the challenging conditions. Meanwhile, the Rhodopi Mountains experience an alpine climate, with long, cold winters and short, cool summers. The harsh conditions in these lofty heights select for hardy species that can endure the demanding environment. The Agrios and Urfedden Jungles both exhibit lush equatorial climates and are home to dense vegetation, high humidity, and consistent rainfall throughout the year. This constant supply of moisture and warmth promotes the growth of a diverse range of plant life, fostering a rich and complex ecosystem teeming with unique and vibrant species. At the heart of Carthia, the Atsali Plains present an anomalous climate, shaped by the corrupting influence of the foul air that blankets the region. This area experiences unpredictable weather patterns and extreme fluctuations in temperature, resulting in a harsh and inhospitable environment that only the most resilient species can endure. Overall, Carthia's varied climate supports a myriad of unique ecosystems, each fostering distinct flora and fauna that contribute to the island's rich natural tapestry. The Carthian people have adapted to these diverse conditions, harnessing the resources provided by their surroundings and developing unique cultural practices influenced by the climate.

Fauna & Flora

Carthia's diverse landscapes host an array of unique flora and fauna, contributing to the richness and complexity of its ecosystems. From the dense equatorial jungles to the high mountain peaks, each region boasts its own distinct plant and animal life, shaping the customs and livelihoods of the inhabitants who rely on these resources. In the verdant Agrios and Urfedden jungles, colossal trees draped with vines and orchids tower over the forest floor, where vibrant, iridescent flowers attract pollinators with their alluring scents. The Epilesi Woodlands and Chryso Valley are home to various species of deciduous and evergreen trees, their leaves providing essential nutrients for the soil and the animals that inhabit these regions. The Rhodopi Mountains and Sharpfist Peaks host alpine plants and hardy shrubs, adapted to withstand the harsh climatic conditions. Carthia's unique fauna includes creatures such as the enigmatic Rhysar, which play a significant role in the region's folklore and traditions. Other notable species, such as the rare silkworms of Katara Woods or the prized medicinal plants found in the Agias Valley, serve as essential trade commodities, strengthening Carthia's economic position as a central trading hub in the world of Arora.

Natural Resources

Carthia, the shining beacon of human civilization in the world of Arora, is blessed with a wealth of varied natural resources that contribute to its prosperity and cultural significance. Each region of Carthia boasts its unique set of resources, shaping the livelihoods of its inhabitants and fuelling the vibrant trade that defines the island's economy. From the dense forests providing timber and medicinal plants, to the fertile lowlands yielding abundant crops, Carthia's diverse landscapes offer a rich array of materials that both sustain and enrich the lives of its people. One of the most renowned natural resources of Carthia is the vast gold and gem deposits found in the Rhodopi Mines. These precious resources not only bring unparalleled wealth to the Carthian empire and the Church of Taro but also serve as symbols of the divine blessings the land has received. Other notable resources include the rare silkworms of Katara Woods, producing fine silk that is highly sought after in international markets, and the unique iridescent flowers from the Agrios and Urfedden Jungles, which are utilized in various religious ceremonies and rituals. The mineral-rich soils of the Chryso Valley support thriving vineyards, giving rise to a booming wine industry that adds further allure to Carthia's trading prowess. These examples merely scratch the surface of Carthia's natural resources, with each region offering its unique contributions to the land's prosperity and cultural heritage.


Carthia, the radiant beacon of human resilience, emerged from the depths of Arora's chaos to become the jewel of human civilization. Nestled within the embrace of Erothi's southern shores, this realm of untamed beauty and ever-present danger has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the melding of cultures, and the unyielding spirit of its people. Before the dawn of the Historic Era, Carthia was the domain of the enigmatic Urman, whose early history remains shrouded in mystery. With no written records to unveil their past, the Urman's ancient secrets remain locked away, tantalizingly out of reach. In 103 HE, human settlers first set foot on the western shores of Carthia, igniting the spark that would one day kindle the fires of civilization. The Old Citadel, a now-destroyed Arcanist Sanctuary, was founded in 117 HE, standing as a testament to the indomitable spirit of human ambition. As the seeds of human influence spread across the land, the sacred site of Pria was established in 216 HE, weaving together the fabric of faith that would envelop the realm. Yet, it was the Schism of the Taro Pantheon in 612 HE that would truly alter the course of Carthian history. The birth of the Church of Taro led Atrius Reagus, a zealous prophet and conqueror, to embark on a bloody crusade to unite the fractured city-states under a single banner. His triumph in 621 HE marked the birth of the Reagus Dynasty, forever binding the realm under the iron grip of religious fervour. Amidst the turmoil of conquest, the Church of Taro laid waste to the Old Citadel in 620 HE, erasing a chapter of history that would never be recovered. From the ashes of the past, the city of Stracho, also known as Ashview, rose like a phoenix, embracing the ruins of the Citadel in a sombre memorial to the fallen sanctuary. Over time, the Reagus Dynasty faced challenges that tested the very foundations of its rule. The Period of the Three Failing Speakers from 767 to 817 HE saw a succession of unworthy Priorators and Sancti Caesars, who teetered on the precipice of collapse. However, it was the Lingering Death that struck the most devastating blow. From 783 to 786 HE, this merciless plague decimated half of Carthia's populace, leaving the survivors to pick up the shattered remnants of their lives. The coronation of Priorator Titus Reagus in 817 HE heralded a new era of hope for the embattled realm, but the fates had other plans. His disappearance in 863 HE cast a shadow over Carthia's future, with his wife ruling in abstentia, steadfast in her belief that her husband was alive and on a vital mission. The death of their only son, Aerus Reagus, in 864 HE only deepened the crisis, leaving the throne in a precarious balance as the Priorator's wife refused to pass the mantle to her daughter. The landscape of Carthia, both enchanting and treacherous, has long been a crucible for its people. As the human settlers expanded their influence, they encountered the native Urman, whose reactions to the newcomers ranged from curiosity to outright hostility. Over the centuries, countless skirmishes and uneasy truces have marked the complex relationship between these two peoples. Yet, in the face of adversity, the Carthians have proven themselves adaptable, integrating elements of Urman culture, spirituality, and knowledge into their own evolving society. Carthia's culture, however, has not remained static, nor free from strife. The rise of the Reagus Dynasty, with its potent blend of authoritarian rule and religious fervour, sought to suppress any deviations from the Church of Taro's doctrine. The oppressive atmosphere, coupled with the ever-present dangers of the wild, stoked the flames of rebellion and dissent, manifesting in the form of secret societies, underground cults, and fervent revolutionaries. While Carthia may have been a beacon of civilization, its inner turmoil and cultural clashes painted a far more intricate tapestry than what appeared on the surface. As the realm continued to navigate the treacherous waters of its own existence, Carthia's people found solace and inspiration in the breath-taking beauty and raw power of their homeland. The awe-inspiring Rhodopi Mountains, the lush, life-filled Agrios and Urfedden Jungles, and the haunting, desolate Atsali Plains, all served as both a source of wonder and a constant reminder of nature's unforgiving might. The Carthians, having no choice but to endure and adapt, channelled their reverence for the land into their religious practices, artistic expressions, and folk traditions. Throughout the centuries, the Carthian people have not only faced the harsh realities of their environment, but they have also struggled with the weight of their own history. As the cities of Carthia grew in wealth and influence, they began to adopt a cosmopolitan character, a stark contrast to the agrarian serfdom that prevailed in the countryside. This urban-rural divide, further exacerbated by the plutocratic corruption of the senatorial system, fuelled tensions between the two spheres of society, fanning the embers of social unrest and dissatisfaction. As Carthia's culture and government continued to evolve, the realm found itself at a crossroads, with the power dynamics shifting and the very foundations of its society being tested. The disappearance of Priorator Titus Reagus and the subsequent death of his son, Aerus, has ushered in a period of uncertainty and political intrigue. The firm belief of the Priorator's wife in her husband's survival and her refusal to cede the throne to their daughter is bringing the realm to a precipice, as the forces of nature and the wilds of Arora continue to encroach upon the fragile borders of Carthian civilization. Despite the chaos that has defined much of its history, Carthia remains a testament to the tenacity and resilience of the human spirit. From the initial arrival of settlers on its shores to the trials and tribulations that have shaped its trajectory, Carthia has endured, forging a vibrant, complex society in the face of nature's unforgiving whims. As the realm stands poised on the edge of a new chapter, it is the indomitable will of its people that continues to drive it forward, shaping its destiny amidst the turbulent waves of history and the inexorable march of time.


Within the realm of Carthia, travel and exploration are pursuits largely reserved for those of wealth and influence. The land, brimming with history, culture, and opportunity, draws the attention of scholars, merchants, and ambitious settlers alike. The Royal College of Natural Philosophy holds a prominent place among esteemed academic institutions in Arora, attracting scholars and students from far and wide. While whispers of the forbidden art of Ferrology being taught within its hallowed halls persist, the college vehemently denies any such claims, mindful of the Church of Taro's unwavering ban on the practice. Pria, a place of great religious significance, beckons to the faithful and the curious. The grand Aedum Divi of Pria stands as a testimony to the unwavering devotion of the Carthian people, and its splendour and sacred aura entice pilgrims and wealthy patrons who seek divine blessings. As Carthia serves as a crucial trading hub in the world of Arora, merchants and traders find themselves drawn to its bustling markets and ports. They traverse vast distances, exchanging not only goods but also stories and news from distant lands, enriching the Carthian tapestry of life. In the wake of the Lingering Death, much of Carthia remains uncharted and untamed, presenting boundless opportunities for settlers yearning for a fresh start or seeking to claim power in the vacuum left behind. These migrants, hailing from various corners of Arora, endeavour to escape their past or simply hope to forge a new life in the fertile valleys and dense woodlands of Carthia. Thus, it is the allure of knowledge, faith, commerce, and uncharted territory that draws travellers from all walks of life to Carthia. Their diverse pursuits and aspirations weave an intricate web of stories, shaping the vibrant and ever-evolving tapestry of this remarkable land.


  • Carthia
Alternative Name(s)
Medusa's Heart, Beacon of Erothi
Location under
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Articles under Carthia - Subcontinent

  • 103 HE

    126 HE

    First Human settlements in Carthia
    Discovery, Exploration

    Additional timelines
  • 117 HE

    9 Varukur

    Founding of the Citadel in Carthia

    Additional timelines
  • 216 HE

    Founding of Pria

  • 596 HE

    3 Magnur

    Atrius Reagus is born
    Life, Birth

  • 612 HE

    Schism of the Taro Pantheon
    Religious event
    Additional timelines
  • 616 HE

    Atrius Reagus claims the title Priorator of the Church of Taro
    Political event
    Additional timelines
  • 619 HE

    4 Serandur

    Atrius Reagus conquers Timberkeep
    Military action

  • 619 HE

    18 Jinur

    Atrius Reagus conquers Vioma
    Military action

  • 620 HE

    10 Magnur 16:00

    The Citadel is destroyed

    Additional timelines
  • 620 HE

    4 Banur

    Ashview Founded

    The settlement of Ashview is founded around the ruins of the @Citadel

  • 621 HE

    10 Serandur

    The unification of Carthia under the Reagus Dynasty
    Political event

    Additional timelines
  • 767 HE

    817 HE

    Period of the Tree Failing Speakers
    Era beginning/end

  • 783 HE

    786 HE

    The Lingering Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Lingering Death was the worst plague that the people have Erothi have faced in all recorded history. While the death toll was uncountable, it is estimated that perhaps one half of all the denizens of Erothi died during the three year epidemic.

    Additional timelines
  • 849 HE

    7 Tinur

    Aerus Reagus is born
    Life, Birth

  • 861 HE

    3 Haricur

    Priorator Titus Reagus disapears
    Life, Relocation

  • 863 HE

    16 Arkur

    Prince Aerus dies
    Life, Death

This article has no secrets.


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