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Church of Taro

The Church of Taro is a distinct antagonistic sect of the Taro Pantheon that believes that there is only one God, Tarolas. The other gods a merely manifestations of his various characteristics.

The Church of Taro emerged as a distinct sect of the Taro Pantheon following the Schism of Carthia in 612 HE. At the heart of the conflict was a debate over the true nature of the gods. Some argued that the pantheon represented distinct individuals with their own attributes and personalities, while others claimed that they were merely manifestations of a single, all-encompassing god. It was the latter perspective that ultimately won out, thanks in large part to the efforts of Atrius Reagus, a scholar and orator from a relatively humble background. Atrius's mastery of theology and rhetoric helped sway many to his side, and he was ultimately granted the newly created role of Priorator, or "First Speaker," of Taro.

The Church of Taro is highly antagonistic to the traditional Taro Pantheon, which remains the most popular religion among the rest of Erothi's Human populations. In Carthia, any worship of the pantheon's Tindividual deities is strictly forbidden. Those caught engaging in such worship may face punishment ranging from banishment to a lifetime of servitude in the mines of Pria. Under Atrius's leadership, the Church of Taro became not only a religious force but also a political and military one. Atrius capitalized on the religious conflict to rally his followers and unify the disparate city states of the Carthian League under the Reagus Dynasty.

The Church of Taro maintains a hierarchy of 'ordained' officials and the veneration of saints, but with Taro as the sole focus of worship. The Priorator of Taro serves as the highest-ranking official within the Church and responsible for making key decisions regarding doctrine and religious practice. The Church of Taro places great emphasis on ritual and ceremony, with elaborate mass services conducted by priests in ornate cathedrals. The Church also promotes a strict moral code, with a focus on abstinence and chastity, which has led to the emergence of monastic orders within the Church.

Despite its hostility toward the Taro Pantheon, the Church of Taro has grown in power and influence over the centuries. Its adherents are known for their zealous devotion to Tarolas and their belief that all other gods are mere aspects of his divine nature. This belief has driven the church's leaders to seek out and eliminate any perceived threats to their faith, leading to a long and often bloody history of conflict with other religious sects and nations. Overall, the Church of Taro represents a distinct and powerful sect within the wider Taro Pantheon. Its monotheistic focus on Tarolas as the one true god and its antagonism towards the pantheon have set it apart from the rest of the Taro faithful. Yet its teachings and practices have had a significant impact on Carthian society, shaping its political and cultural landscape in profound ways.

Quick-Fire Beliefs

  • Worship: Taro as one God, with various forms (the original pantheon).
  • Attitude to Arcanist: Absolutely Hostile.
  • Attitude to other races: Usually Ambivalent.
  • View of Ancient Structures: Demonic Fortress’s of the [Krulanis] (Corrupted sentients who greatly sinned in the Age of Darkness), should be avoided and blocked.
  • View of Rhysar: Leftover relics of Taro's judgement, should be avoided or hunted.
  • View of Ferro Stones: Pieces of Tarolas, brought into the physical realm, should be treated as holy, and only possessed by Taro's ordained (Prosectors and Orators).


The Church of Taro is a highly structured religious organization with a hierarchical structure that mirrors that of a feudal kingdom. At the top of the hierarchy is the Priorator of Taro, who serves as the supreme leader of the church and is considered the highest authority on all matters of faith and doctrine. The Priorator is also the temporal ruler of The Holy Dominion of Carthia and exercises absolute power over the church's followers. Beneath the Priorator are the Orators and Prosectors, who oversee the administration of the church's territories and hold authority over the Priests within their respective regions. The Orators are responsible for maintaining discipline within the church and ensuring that its teachings are faithfully followed. Below the Prosectors are the Kuitors, who are responsible for the day-to-day management of the church's affairs. They lead congregations in worship, perform baptisms, marriages, and other sacraments, and provide spiritual guidance to the church's followers. Kuitors are trained in theology and must be approved by a Prosector before they are ordained.

The Church of Taro also maintains a dedicated military force known as The Poor Knights. The Order is comprised of devout soldiers who have pledged their lives to the defense of the church and its followers. They are responsible for protecting the church's territories and enforcing its laws, both within Carthia and in any foreign lands under the church's influence. In addition to its military force, the church maintains a network of monasteries and convents where monks and nuns devote their lives to prayer and service to the church. These religious communities serve as centers of learning and provide aid to the poor and sick.


The culture of the Church of Taro is deeply rooted in tradition, hierarchy, and devotion to their one true lord, Taro. Members of the Church are expected to lead pious lives, following strict moral codes and submitting themselves completely to the will of Taro. The Church places great emphasis on theological education, with its leaders and members striving to deepen their understanding of the divine and the teachings of the Church. The Church of Taro is also known for its artistic and architectural achievements. Its cathedrals, with their soaring spires and intricate stained-glass windows, are regarded as some of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring structures in the world. The Church has also produced many renowned painters, sculptors, and musicians, whose works often reflect the divine themes and symbols of their faith.

One of the most notable aspects of Church culture is its emphasis on hierarchy and order. The Church is governed by a strict hierarchy of 'ordained' Kuitors, Prosectors, and Orators, with the Priorator of Taro standing at the head of the Church as its supreme leader. This hierarchy is reflected in all aspects of Church life, with members expected to show deference and respect to their superiors and follow their guidance without question. The Church also places great emphasis on ritual and ceremony, with members participating in regular prayer services and rituals such as the Communion of the Divine Spark and the Rite of Rememberance. These rituals are seen as crucial for maintaining the spiritual health and purity of the faithful, and for strengthening their connection to Tarolas.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Church of Taro is to spread of its message and the promotion of its ideology. The church seeks to establish Tarolas as the one true god and to eliminate all competing belief systems, particularly the Taro Pantheon. The Church of Taro also seeks to promote a strict moral code and to enforce its teachings through strict laws and punishments. In addition to religious goals, the Church of Taro has also been involved in political and social issues, aiming to stifle the arcane arts wherever they rear their ugly head, and to secure the Reagus Dynasty in Carthia.


The Church of Taro is one of the wealthiest and most powerful organizations in the world of Arora. It possesses vast amounts of wealth, including gold, silver, and precious jewels, which are often donated by wealthy followers seeking to gain favor with Tarolas. In addition to these material assets, the Church also has access to extensive lands and properties, including large cathedrals, monasteries, and other religious institutions.
The Church of Taro has complete dominion over the town of Pria, which is home to the infamous Pria mines. The church runs the mines using a workforce of captured heretics, who are punished for their crimes against Taro by being forced to work in the mines until death. The mines are the most abundant source of gold and precious gems in the known world, and their profits have greatly contributed to the wealth and power of the church. The church also maintains a strong military presence in Pria to ensure the safety of its assets and to suppress any potential uprisings by the captured heretics. The harsh treatment of the heretic workforce has earned the church a reputation for cruelty, but they argue that it is necessary to maintain the purity and integrity of their faith. Despite the controversies surrounding the Pria mines, they remain a crucial source of wealth and power for the Church of Taro.
The Church also maintains its own military force across Carthia, the Poor Knights, who are among the most skilled and well-trained soldiers in the world. The Knights serve as both protectors of the Church's interests and enforcers of its doctrine, and they are known for their martial prowess and unwavering loyalty to the Church.
In addition to its military might, the Church also has extensive political influence, both within Carthia and beyond. It has established strong ties with many of the ruling houses across the continent and often uses its influence to promote its own interests or to further its goals. The Church's vast wealth and power make it a formidable force in the world of Arora, and many fear the consequences of crossing it.


The Church of Taro was founded in 612 HE by Atrius Reagus, a theologian who argued that the Taro Pantheon was not a collection of distinct deities but rather manifestations of the various characteristics of one god, Tarolas. Atrius' victory in debates over the nature of the gods led to the establishment of the Church of Taro and his appointment as the first Priorator.
Under Atrius' leadership, the Church of Taro gathered followers and developed into a powerful religious and political force in Carthia. Atrius used the ensuing religious conflict to unify Carthia under the Reagus Dynasty.
The Church of Taro became highly antagonistic towards the Taro Pantheon, and worship of the individual deities was outlawed within Carthia. Those caught worshipping the pantheon faced banishment to a life of servitude in the Pria mines, which were run by the Church and were the most abundant source of gold and precious gems in the known world.
Over time, the Church of Taro expanded its influence and wealth, becoming one of the most powerful organizations in Arora. The Church's goals include maintaining the dominance of Tarolas and the Church of Taro in Carthia and spreading their beliefs to other regions. They also aim to amass wealth and power, using their resources to maintain their control over Carthia and expand their influence elsewhere.

Mythology & Lore

According to the mythology of the Church of Taro, the universe was created by the one true god, Tarolas. However, the various gods of the Taro Pantheon are seen as mere manifestations of different aspects of Tarolas. Casmios is depicted as a darkness within Tarolas that tempted him to create creatures of ever-increasing danger and chaos, which were eventually separated from the physical realm by Tarolas to protect mortal creatures. The only way Tarolas can interact with the world is by breaking through the barrier between his realm and the physical world, which leaves a faint hole in the firmament and sends a piece of himself to the planet in the form of the Ferrousto.

The Church of Taro views the stories of the Taro Pantheon as purely metaphorical, illustrating the internal conflict that Tarolas had regarding his creations. The Church emphasises the importance of Tarolas as the one true god, and the need for his followers to place their faith in him alone. The Church also holds a belief in a final judgment, where Tarolas will judge all souls and determine their fate in the afterlife.

Divine Origins

The Church of Taro was founded by Atrius Reagus following The Schism of the Taro Pantheon in Carthia in 612 HE. The schism was caused by a debate around the true nature of the Gods of the Taro Pantheon. Specifically, whether the pantheon were indeed real individuals or various manifestations of the different aspects one god. The monotheistic case was led by Atrius Reagus, a 3rd son of a minor Carthian Senator who had a gift for theological matters and an unrivaled mastery of rhetoric. His victory in the majority of debates brought large portions of the council to his side and led to the establishment of the Church of Taro.

Atrius capitalized on the ensuing religious conflict to gather his followers into a military force that Unified Carthia under the Reagus Dynasty. The Church of Taro was able to consolidate power by suppressing the Taro Pantheon worship and creating a theocratic government that ruled over the people of Carthia. Over time, the Church of Taro became one of the most powerful institutions in the known world, with vast wealth and resources at its disposal. Its influence extends beyond just the spiritual realm, as it controls many aspects of life in Carthia, including the mining industry of Pria and The Poor Knights.

Cosmological Views

According to the Church of Taro, the history of the universe is the same as that of the Taro Pantheon. However, the Church emphasizes that the stories are purely metaphorical. The Church of Taro believes that the universe is composed of two distinct realms: the physical world and the divine realm. The physical world is where mortals live, while the spiritual world is a form of blissfull utopia inhabited by the dead alonside Taro himself and other supernatural entities. The Church of Taro teaches that the physical and spiritual worlds are seperated by the firmament and that the influence of Taro on the physical world is severly limited, usually only through the guidance of his followers. The Church believes that the physical world is ultimately subordinate to the divine realm and that mortals should strive to align their lives with the will of Taro in order to achieve eternal salvation.

Tenets of Faith

The Church of Taro has several core beliefs and commandments that guide its followers. These include:

  • All under Tarolas, our one true lord: This is the central belief of the Church, which emphasizes the monotheistic nature of the religion and the absolute authority of Tarolas.
  • Worship only Tarolas: The Church of Taro forbids the worship of any other deities or entities, and considers any such practices to be heretical.
  • Obey the Ordained: The leaders of the Church hold significant power and authority, and their instructions must be followed by the faithful.
  • Confession and repentance: The Church places great importance on the confession of sins and the seeking of forgiveness, with confession being made to a Kuitor or Prosector.
  • The Sanctity of Life: The Church upholds the sanctity of life and prohibits murder, and is generally against violence except in situations of self-defense.
  • No tolerance for Heretics: The Church of Taro has a low tolerance for those who do not adhere to its teachings and will go to great lengths to stamp out heresy.
  • Charity and Kindness: The Church teaches that its followers should be kind and generous towards others, particularly the less fortunate.
  • Sanctity of Property: The Church teaches that theft and coveting of others possesions is a deep sin. This also suggests that both greed and hoarding is sinful, but also that poverty is a sign of moral weakness.
These commandments shape the behavior and beliefs of the faithful and are seen as crucial for leading a moral and virtuous life.


The extended rules and interpretations of the tenets of faith in the Church of Taro guide the everyday lives and decisions of the faithful. The Kuitor, Prosectors, and Orators are responsible for interpreting the holy texts and teachings of the church and providing guidance to the faithful. There are many sins that are considered to be violations of the Church's teachings, including blasphemy, murder, theft, adultery, and greed. Pious acts, on the other hand, include regular prayer, tithing, performing acts of charity, and living a virtuous life. The Church of Taro places great emphasis on repentance and forgiveness, and confession is a key part of the church's teachings. The Church also emphasizes the importance of following the laws of the land and being a responsible member of society. Finally, the Church encourages the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of the mysteries of the universe, as long as it does not conflict with the teachings of Taro.


  • Communion of the Divine Spark: During this ritual, members of the church consume a small, symbolic piece of a Ferrousto to connect with the divine essence of Tarolas. This represents the idea that Tarolas lives within all living things and provides them with the spark of life.
  • Rite of Remembrance: This is a solemn ceremony in which members of the church reflect on the sacrifices made by Tarolas to protect the mortal world from his own creations. This involves lighting candles and reciting prayers of gratitude and reverence for Tarolas.
  • Festival of Light: This is a joyous celebration that takes place during the winter solstice, when the days are shortest and the nights are longest. Members of the church light candles and lanterns to symbolize the hope and warmth that Tarolas brings to the world. This festival is also associated with acts of charity and kindness towards others, as a way of embodying Tarolas' teachings of love and compassion.
  • Journey of Insight: This is a spiritual retreat in which members of the church spend several days alone in the wilderness, meditating and reflecting on the mysteries of the universe. This is seen as a way to connect with Tarolas on a deeper level and gain insight into the divine plan for the world.
  • Ritual of Renewal: This is a ceremony in which members of the church symbolically cleanse themselves of their sins and negative emotions, by immersing themselves in a body of water or standing beneath a waterfall. This represents the idea of washing away the impurities that prevent us from fully embodying Tarolas' teachings.
  • Feast of Abundance: This is a harvest festival in which members of the church gather together to celebrate the bounty of the land and give thanks to Tarolas for his provision. This involves sharing meals, music, and dancing, as well as donating excess food and resources to those in need.


The faithful of the Church of Taro are guided by the Kuitors, Prosectors, and Orators, who are appointed by the Church hierarchy. These individuals are distinguished from the rest of the flock by their extensive religious training and education in theology, as well as their position within the Church's organisational structure. Kuitors are the lowest-ranking members of the clergy, responsible for performing daily religious services and leading small congregations. They oversee and reside in the smaller village churches of the land. Prosectors are the middle-ranking members, who oversee multiple congregations, have administrative duties within the Church, and reside in the larger churches of towns. Orators are the highest-ranking members, responsible for leading large congregations, overseeing the Prosectors, and resident in one of the few Cathedrals of Taro.

The selection and appointment of these individuals are based on a rigorous process of education and examination, with only the most knowledgeable and devout individuals being chosen for leadership positions within the Church. The hierarchy of the Church of Taro is thus designed to ensure that the faithful receive the guidance and teachings they need to live a pious and moral life, while also maintaining the Church's authority and power over its followers.

As the Ferrousto are revered as holy by the Church of Taro and are believed to be imbued with the divine power of Tarolas himself, access to this power is highly restricted and can only be granted by the Church's ordained.

Granted Divine Powers

As per the teachings of the Church of Taro, no one is granted supernatural powers by Tarolas. However, there is a common belief among the commoners that the Kuitors, Prosectors, and Orators have certain abilities such as foresight and the ability to commune with Tarolas. These abilities are believed to be bestowed upon them as a result of their devotion and service to Tarolas. The ordained are believed to have the ability to offer guidance and wisdom to the faithful, as well as the ability to perform rituals and ceremonies that are thought to bring blessings and good fortune. They are also believed to have a deep understanding of the teachings of Tarolas and are often sought out by the faithful for advice and counsel. However,common academic consesus regards these as not supernatural powers, but rather a product of the faith and belief of the people. The Church of Taro emphasizes that true power and blessings come from living a life of devotion and service to Tarolas, and that the ordained are simply guides and representatives of Tarolas on Earth.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Church of Taro wields a significant influence on the political fabric of the organizations that it has permeated. As the dominant religion in the town of Pria and the wider region, the church plays a crucial role in the administration of justice, collection of taxes, and the maintenance of law and order. The Kuitors, Prosectors, and Orators of the church are often appointed as advisors to the ruling classes and serve as mediators between the people and the government.
The church's teachings promote obedience to authority and the virtues of humility, charity, and self-sacrifice. This message is used by the ruling classes to justify their position of power and maintain social order. At the same time, the church encourages the idea of salvation through faith and the pursuit of divine grace. This message is used to pacify the masses and promote obedience to authority.


Within the Church of Taro, there are several factions and sects that hold different interpretations and beliefs. The largest and most dominant group is the mainstream faith, which adheres closely to the official teachings and dogma of the Church. However, there are also several smaller, more radical sects that have emerged over the centuries. These sects often have their own leaders, rituals, and interpretations of scripture that differ from the mainstream faith. Some of these groups are considered heretical or dangerous by the Church and are actively persecuted, while others are simply seen as eccentric or misguided.

One notable sect is the Brotherhood of the Ferrousto, which venerates the Siriat as divine extentions of Tarolas that will one day lead them to paradise. They try to attract the Siriat by hoarding the Ferrousto. Another group is the Bloodied Knights, an offshoot of the poor knights which more strongly emphasizes the importance of martial prowess and views violence as a necessary means of defending the faith. Still, another faction is the Circle of the Emerald Flame, which seeks to unlock the secrets of magic and mysticism through the study of ancient texts and rituals.

One god, one lord, Tarolas alone holds our devotion and allegiance.

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Monotheistic Taroism
Predecessor Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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