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Playable Races

Welcome to the article on the races of Arora, a world teeming with diverse and unique beings. As a player of Arora, it is essential to understand the cultures, histories, and characteristics of the various races to create an engaging and authentic character. From the hardy dwarves to the elusive Kathuri, each race brings its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and quirks to the table. Whether you aspire to be a fierce Korlum warrior, a cunning Yorimni Rogue, or a wise Paokus shaman, this guide will provide an in-depth exploration of each race, their origins, their beliefs, and their place in the world of Arora. So, prepare to dive into the fascinating world of Aroran races and choose your character's destiny!

Common Ancestries

The following races are among the most commonly encountered in the world of Arora, particularly within Human societies where the author resides and has the most knowledge of their cultures and interactions. Understanding each race and its distinct ways of life is key to understanding the world as a whole.


Human are one of the most unpredictable and varied races in Arora. Their exceptional drive and capacity for endurance have allowed them to build some of the greatest and most terrible societies throughout history, making them the most populous people in Erothi today.  


Urmans, on the other hand, are a semi-beast-like race of humanoids who resemble both humans and Rorcans. Due to the widespread fear of Rorcans across all of Arora, many sometimes hate and fear Urmans and see them as unintelligent or uncivilized. This often results in Urmans being pushed to the margins of society, where some find work in manual labour or as mercenaries, while others fall into crime or cruelty. Many who cannot tolerate the indignities heaped on them in Human society return to their tribal kin in the wilderness to live in peace, away from society's judgment.  


The Alemni, commonly known as elves or high-elves to human cultures, are tall, slender, long-lived people with a strong tradition of art, music, and scholarship. As an ancient race, the Alemni have seen great change and have a perspective that can only come from watching the arc of history. To some, the Alemni are objects of awe—graceful and beautiful, with immense talent and knowledge. However, among themselves, there is debate as to whether personal freedom is more important than living up to these ideals.  


The Varlimni, also known as Varla or Forest Mni, originate from southwestern Erothi. Rejecting the formalities of civilized life, the Varlimni have chosen to live in the wilderness, among nature, the trees, and animals. Their major cities are located in giant trees within the deep forest provinces of Pecha and Caerney. They decorate their bodies to blend in with their forest surroundings, making many view them as barbarians. Despite their infamy, they are known to be extremely agile and quick, which serves them well in any art involving thievery. Many are also well-respected archers due to their inherent mastery of the bow.  


The Seishi are a bipedal race of amphibians with tall, elongated bodies that are well-suited for their high metabolism, and skeletons composed of more cartilage than those of other races such as humans. Seishan heads are long and thin and have a pair of horns protruding from the top of their skulls. They are noted for their high-speed metabolism, which allows them to function on just one hour of sleep a day. Their minds and bodies work faster than most sapient races, making them seem restless or hyperactive.  

Rare Ancestries

In addition to the common ancestries, Arora is also home to several rare and elusive intelligent races. These races often have unique physical traits and cultural practices that make them stand out from the more common ancestries. Due to their scarcity and often reclusive nature, many of these races are shrouded in mystery and the subject of much speculation and legend. In this chapter, we will also explore these rare races and attempt to shed some light on their enigmatic cultures.

The Kathuri

The Kathuri are an uncommon race known for their natural agility, stealth, and dance-like fighting style. They hail from the desert region of Safah but can be found travelling throughout Arora. Their thick, raspy voices and tendency to speak in the third person can make them stand out in Human societies. The Cycle, a Religion based on the idea of constant rebirth and renewal, guides their actions in the world.  


The Lizvar are a sentient race of sapient lizards that hail from the southeastern plains of Valenfar. Their society is deeply communal and spiritual, with a great emphasis on the interconnectedness of all living beings. They value harmony with nature and believe in the cyclical nature of life and death. Their culture is rich in art, music, and storytelling, and they have a strong oral tradition. Lizvar are skilled in agriculture and animal husbandry, and they trade with neighbouring Human societies. Despite their peaceful nature, they are formidable fighters when their communities or way of life are threatened.  


Yorimni, also known as the "Sea Elves," are a race of Mni who have adapted to life at sea. They inhabit the rocky island chains and are known for their seafaring skills and raiding prowess. While sharing some similarities with the Alemni and Varlimni, the Yorimni are more on personal freedom and independence than the collectivist and authoritative Alemni, while also being far less spiritual and naturalistic than the Varlimni. They are pragmatic and ruthless, with a culture that values strength, cunning, and cunning. While not as spiritual as some other races, they do have their own unique traditions and beliefs.  


The Paokus are a bird-like species with two distinct sub-species: the Rai Paokus, resembling falcons, and the Zeta Paokus, resembling eagles. They live in the steep mountainous islands to the west of Erothi and the mountains of central Valenfar, respectively. Due to their remote habitats, they have minimal interaction with other races, which shrouds them in mystery. Some speculate that the Religion of Daerhy worship originated from the Paokus, but evidence supporting this claim is scarce.  


The Korlum are a race of intelligent bears, with two distinct ethnicities: the Barba Korlum and the Arcus Korlum. The Barba Korlum are known for their mastery of trade and storytelling, and can often be found travelling the world to gather and share stories. On the other hand, the Arcus Korlum are fierce warriors and raiders, originating from the island to the north of Valenfar. Both ethnicities have a strong sense of community and family, with their society being organized around clans and chieftains. They have a deep respect for nature and the spirits that inhabit it, and their Religion revolves around animism and shamanism. The Korlum also have a tradition of craftsmanship, producing fine weapons, armour, and jewellery.


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