

The History of Arrhynsia so far

The orcs have a past floating in blood. There were mighty tribes who once crossed the plains in thousands, but the constant infighting and wars between them kept them from ever forming a civilization until Yulasta. But Yulasta did not arise on her own. While Jiisho accepted the orcs, they longed for a god of their own, and their method of accomplishing this was direct and brutal. The Blood War raged on the Plains of Blood for thirty years. Eventually, the matter was settled, and Yulasta the Mother ascended to godhood. But even today, the land remembers the struggle of the orcs, and the grass of the Whispering Plains feeds on their Blood and bends to the passage of the Eternal Struggle. Scratch the surface of the world here, and find the skull of an orcish warrior.   Elves do not make civilizations, their history is all once piece, but it is a history that revolves entirely around the tragedy of the Betrayal. The remains of the singers long for the times of great harmony - of the youth of the elven people, when Lameravis called the Six and traveled the world are scattered throughout the Echovad Forrest.

Current Species & Cultures

The Humans!!!!!! Invasive pests. Too clever by half, and always causing trouble. If they had only not destroyed their own land to the north...   Elves Wounded they pursue their own ends. Fiercely proud. Dangerous, long lived. Some say too long...   Dwarves The keepers of the Dark. The stopper in the bottleneck of the dark caverns   The Short How unfair to group together races as wildly diverse, but there is strength in numbers and the people of the short, gnomes, haflings and pixies needed numbers to combat the humans who have been eyeing their land since they created the northern wastes.   The Dark Elves nothing good to say here   Orcs Someone pissed them off recentlyand they're all united in how mad they are about it. That's not good.

Needs & Relations

the humans want the land   the orcs want vengance (dominance in their territory and survival of their people)   dwarves want their work to be successful   the dark elves want out   the elves want what they lost   the short want to build       they all need TRADE!