

The Laws of Arrhynsia

Arrhynsia has MAGIC! there are laws (detailed in the world encyclopedia) and they do have a lot of practitioners of the arts, so lots of things and people are well equipped to get ahead using it.


I've already got that one ironed out and in the world timeline, encyclopedia and atlas.   You should read it some time!

Principal Geography & Features

it's like earth in terms of the huge variety of places, but the map isn't anything like.   The big thing is the weave... It's everywhere and out there and nowhere. It sits between our dimensions and the others, and it is IMPASSIBLE. Everyone wants to be here and the weave keeps them out. Or it used to...

Initial Active Setting

The Draak'thor Massif - a region of Arrhynsia that is about the size of the state of CA. We start in Uftlon and Portsend and move south from there...