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Nella Ulatris


Nella Ulatris, Lady of the Cutting Pines. A notable member of the noble House Ulatris. She earned the sobriquet the Lady of the Cutting Pines first as an insult among the elves until she adopted it as a badge of honor. She grew up in Everdawn City along side her brother, Reynell Ulatriss as they trained under their father, Lyntross Ulatris II in military martial combat, and as Stormwing Wardens defending the Everdawn Sovereignty. She also grew up very close in age with Jaelynn, or Lynn Ulatris, the next in line to the Rengent of Ice Haven. It is said that Nella sees Lynn more of a sister than a cousin, they were known to train together, play pranks on other family members, and make their parents face awkward situations as they grew up together in the Rose Garden Citadel in Everdawn City.


Nella was mired in controversy as when she was on patrol with a group of Stormwing Wardens, she spotted a cursed patch of trees in Silsen. Investigating, she found that the there was a curse placed on these trees and they had a magical disease which could only be stopped by destroying them. With great reluctance of ending the lives of these trees, she defended Sil'sen from a disease which was going to spread to the Elderwood Trees, the Living Trees and the small Dryad population of Everdawn. She mournfully cut down this patch and family of Elderwood Trees to save the entire nation.

This caused dissent among the Wood Elves, most notably House Silverbow and House Oakspring which were calling for her to stand trial among the Inheritance Gathering. However these cries for judgement fell on deaf ears as the Abiding Council saw her actions as necessary. However, her infamous reputation still precedes her wherever she goes within Everdawn as the Lady of the Cutting Pines. Eventually, she decided that it was a badge of honor as if she did not cut these trees down, the entire nation was in jeapordy.
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