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Spirits rise up from nothing but belief and story.

A land of spirits and folktales that echo throughout the arid rock and fields, the reveldan life is one of long vast stretches of cloud and wind. The sound of horses and storytelling is carried from town to town with ease in this metropolitan kingdom.


Ruled by a council of the most influential houses in all of revelda, a council of six noble house leaders all with their own specialty assemble to discuss the many problems, rumours, and changes all throughout the country. While not above the same laws they declare, their position allows them greater leeway in the case of such laws being broken. However such boons are levied by the fact each house are constantly keeping track of the other and have their own interests such as spirituality, industry, or notably trade. The council is also not invincible in the face of public scrutiny, the natural superstitions of revelda can sway a council member as easily as a farmhand in revelda, as can the anger of it's citizen in the face of such superstitions.


Reveldan belief can be considered a dangerous thing, earning the name 'The Land of Spirits' due to it's deep connection with spiritual folktales. Reveldan culture gives great importance into the tales of the past and the morals behind such tales, to such a point that the combined belief in them make the spirits from such stories real. It is due to this that story telling can be considered a dangerous thing but the creation of natural spiritual entities on the malbaar is a rarity that the country holds close to its heart.   The deep entwining of spirit and folktale culture in revelda leads to spirits in society infrastucture, such as trusted ancient spirits being in charge of trusted positions in functioning society. The most notable example amount these being the spirit courts where spirits created wise and experienced assist in legal matters, while others bond to the trained soldiers and guards of the land in partnership.   This natural creation of spirits from storytelling leads to a different view of such things, bedtime stories are no innocent tale to calm a child but a long taught superstition that empowers a spirit. As such, to tell a new tale or lullaby is a taboo that even a child could be punished and lectured for in many parts of revelda and outsiders are normally under heavy watch. However, new tales are not illegal as they are also considered omens or prophecies of the creation of a new spirit in people's collective consciousness, and allow many to prepare in the case such a tale begins to spread. It is due to this that rumours hold immense weight, for even if a rumour is false, it can evolve into a folktale that creates a spirit that embodies the rumour.   Beyond this phenomenon, reveldan culture holds horses and other suitable mountable creatures in high regard, a prized mount could feed any family for generations from either prospective reveldan spiritknights, to the many cities' racing colosseums racers seeking a new edge in fame or glory. Centaurs, lamia, and other tauric people are also held in immense regard here due to their natural affinity for such things.   Other reveldan specialties also include their large trade centres, which focus primarily on trades such as carpentry, sewing, or ornate basketweaving and pottery. Revelda's location in the world makes it a major trade center both by land and sea, giving it massive markets with wide variety of appeal and apparel that result in the difference between a commoner and a merchant or noble to become as blatant as between the living and the dead.

Belief and Folkstory

Founding Date
6800 BDW
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Land of Spirits, The Folkland
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Brigandine Coin Pieces, Reveldan Notes
Legislative Body
The Reveldan Council
Judicial Body
The Spirit Courts
Executive Body
The Reveldan Spiritguard
Neighboring Nations
Related Species