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The Ko Shusshochi Shogunate

The past is buried by a unshakeable monolith.

The Shogunate of Ko Shusshochi, the ruling empire of the Ko Shusshochan continent, has a complete grasp of the entire continent and nearby islands for over 7000 years. For most of it's lifespan it's had a fair yet iron rule over the land to maintain control and peace.   However, the modern day shogunate receives less praise due to the current emperor's iron fist and disparagement of the Kami of the Ko Shusshochi.


Within the shogunate, the emperor bears absolute power and their word is absolute law among it's ranks, however as the emperor cannot be everywhere nor able to give proper response to everything at all times, the emperor defers some of their power to their direct subordinates, known as the Oroshibutai.   The Oroshibutai serve as an extension of the emperor's will as the strongest in the shogunate and can make decisions on the spot in the interest of the emperor, this group is made up of the titles: the Inuryoshi, the Okami Warrior, Shoyū-sharyu, the Shishi Warrior, the Torājā, the Yamikaze, and the Sensen. The oroshibutai all operate independently, controlling different branches of the shogunate or instigating direct action when not acting in counsel or on the emperor's direct orders, primarily motivated by both a united loyalty and open rivalry between the group. They do this by being posted in different regions of ko shusshochi as an extension of the shogunate's influence, where soldiers or fear don't do the job properly, and it is uncommon for multiple oroshibutai to be in the same location at once unless under extreme circumstance or direct order by the emperor.   Under the oroshibutai lies the ministry, which accounts for the majority of most judicial body of the ko shusshochan shogunate, and the Emperor's Hand, a group of specially trained elite samurai 'black-ops' given complete right to do as they see fit when acting under direct orders from the oroshibutai or the emperor himself.


The shogunate possesses a sizeable fund and treasury combined with millennia of built up artillery, navy, and fortifications. The shogunate tactics of overwhelming force is benefited from this in the face of how disproportionate their equipment stockpile and treasury is compared to their levies. Possessing large amount of lumber, mineral, and metal resources and depots. It can be said that the shogunate has more resource then they can reasonably amass forces to spend it on and train as well as the ability to propagate this wealth throughout the massive empire.


The shogunate of ko shusshochi possesses less living military assets then it let's on, partially relying on individual cities own ability to defend and govern themselves in the lack of direct shogunate presence. However thanks to this, the shogunate possesses immense ability to rapidly deploy massive amounts of forces for any endeavor the emperor sees fit. Possessing a sizable amount of military assets for these deployments combined with their military's extensive elite regime allows many oppressive tactics on their home turf and the threat of crackdown by the shogunate keeps many provincial and municipal governments well behaved.   This constant fear combined with the samurai of the shogunate's intimidating stature and skill drives fear in the hearts of many, any rogue or ne'er-do-well will turn pale at the thought of engaging with with onyx armored, demon masked soldiers. The standard samurai footsoldier usually wears a commissioned and personally fit set of enchanted tempered steel and black lacquered armor with a signature geometric demon mask of their footsoldiers, a personally issued enchanted katana that even are kept even if decommissioned and a basic set of enchanted defensive items and potions to assist on the field.   Other positions within the military ranks includes their notorious riflemen and specially trained heavy suppression troops, supplied by the shogunate in addition to their specialty armor, vast wellsprings of gunnery equipment, guns, and ammo. Forming their most dangerous front and backlines with these gunlines helps reinforce the shogunate's position of power against all of its enemies, allowing them deter the northerners of gjornbern and keep more independent regions at bay. The guns and artillery of the shogunate are crafted with the same precision as it's swords, keeping them significantly accurate even without their enchantments and leaving low chance of misfire, leaving many at the mercy of these marksmen.   However, despite all the samurai, footsoldiers, and riflemen; there are two professions and jobs within the shogunate military that are feared above all else. The first are the elite of the elite who only report to the emperor and his closest servants, the Emperor's Hand are special soldiers who hunt and track down high value targets and remove them. Their equipment of choice differs from the usual ranks in that it focuses on defensive measures. The second, the shogunate tengu, is far worse, supernatural yokai that have vowed loyalty to the emperor's bloodline and fulfills all orders he gives them with heartless precision, these flying monsters are seen as heralds of doom by some of the shogunates harshest enemies, though any who meet one are never seen again.

Unity and Totality

Founding Date
5750 BDW
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Ko Shusshochi, The Shogunate
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ko Shusshochan
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Ko Shusshochan Notes, Ko Shusshochan Coins, Brigandine Coin Pieces
Legislative Body
The Emperor of Ko Shusshochi
Judicial Body
The Ko Shusshochan Ministry
Executive Body
The Oroshibutai, The Emperor's Hand
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


The shogunate officially supports the church but the church's suspicion of the shogunate has been increasing.


The End All Goldfingers are an illegal organization.