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The Treaty of Kami's Grace

When a stalemate was reached between the samurai and the rebelling forces where neither side had the strength to take on the other side without suffering major losses, both sides' leaders agreed to convene for a peace talk.
After a week-long discussion, a treaty was formed and signed, detailing the following:

All hostility against the samurai shall cease and they shall be allowed to return home, where they keep ownership of their private residence.
They shall cease any right to rule over the people of Rokugan and shall not be permitted to assume any role in society with governing authority as long as they are a member of their clan.
Should a member of the clans want to join the government they must sever all ties to their clan and family and no longer have private contact with them.
The clans must aid the government with military support should any samurai rebel against this treaty or face either exile or death.
Samurai shall be permitted to work as mercenaries for the government or any other party the government authorizes to do so.
The people of Rokugan no longer are obligated to work for the Samurai clans without proper compensation which must be documented in a contract signed by both parties.


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