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Brog Mergator

Brog is a grizzled, middle-aged human and the owner of The Crooked Spoon. He has a permanent scowl etched into his weather-beaten face, wears a greasy apron over a stained shirt and his thick arms are covered in tattoos of menacing creatures. Brog speaks in a rough, gravelly voice and often chews on a toothpick. He has a reputation for running a ramshackle establishment where fights and brawls are not uncommon, but also for serving the best ale in Nogginsby. Despite his rough exterior, Brog has a soft spot for underdogs and misfits, and will sometimes offer free drinks or a safe haven to those in need. However, he's not afraid to crack skulls if he thinks he's being cheated, and he's always on the lookout for ways to make a quick buck.

Personality Characteristics


He dreams of being able to change the crooked spoons' reputation into one of a more prestigious nature, as to acquire some more decent customers. His attemps towards this, however, have been unfruitful.


The Crooked Spoon
Ruled Locations


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