Corpus Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Corpus is one of two prime deities of the Church of Viva Mori. He represents Death, one half of the cycle of life and death, which he shares with his counterpart, Anima. The two gods make up the two primary parts of mortal beings. Anima represents the immortal soul, and Corpus represents the body; The mortal shell that persists even after the soul leaves it. He is said to be the physical itself. All matter is part of Corpus.

Corpus is said to have existed at the beginning of time, as a swirling mass of potential. When Anima formed, she gave him a soul, and the two worked together to create our universe.

A Quiet Voice

While Anima has been known to speak to her prophets and followers in their dreams, it is practically unheard of for Corpus to make direct contact with mortals. His followers attest that he does speak, but softly, without words. Druids that commune with nature believe they are speaking to the earth itself, hearing his voice in the wind and rain.

Despite being older than Anima, Corpus' nature in common myths is wild and childlike. His first children, the Giants, were said to be borne of his petulance.

Divine Domains

Corpus is the embodiment of the physical. He has domain over all of nature, and is the shepherd of death. He is also associated with primal magic.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Corpus has many symbols for his various aspects. A tree with many twisting roots denotes Corpus' connection to nature, primal magic, and makes reference to his many limbs. The scythe is a symbol of Corpus' death aspect, as it represents the harvest.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Corpus is regularly depicted as a vaguely humanoid figure with multiple arms, always oscillating between stages of life. Many children of Corpus carry a similar trait. Wood elves are tetrabrachial, having a second set of arms attached below the shoulders.
Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Related Myths
Ruled Locations


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