World Axis Cosmology Myth in Arxios | World Anvil
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World Axis Cosmology


The World Axis cosmological model is the most commonly regarded visualization of the structure of the multiverse.

The World Axis is composed of the Prime Material plane (centered), and its parallels, resting in between Astrum, or the Astral Sea (above), and Tartarus, also known as the Elemental Chaos (below).
Behold the Multiverse you cretins! —Barom Blugens, designer of the World Axis model

Outer Planes


The Astral Sea, or its true name, Astrum, is an infinite realm filled with free-floating realms known as Astral Dominions. We mortals see a just a portion of its reflection when we look at the night sky. The sea itself is home to celestials, and once dragons. Many scholars theorize that when dragons abandoned their charge as shepherds of mortals, they were themselves abandoned by the Astral Sea.
Astrum is the domain of the high goddess Anima. It was created the moment she sprang from chaos. 


Tartarus, colloquially known as the Elemental Chaos, is a churning sea of primal energy and matter. It is the chaos from which the first sparks of life erupted. Within that chaos, powerful beings are able to forge realms of their own that float freely in the maelstrom of creation. The first of these Elemental Dominions were the primal planes: Those of Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. These realms have since crumbled and separated, but pieces of them remain intact. There are legends of powerful mages traveling to a place called the City of Brass, which was allegedly once part of the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Tartarus is believed to be the ancient body of Corpus, before his avatar was awoken by Anima.

The Prime Material

The Prime Material plane is where the world of Arxios resides. It is the realm created for us by the elder gods. Within our sphere of existence, the cycle of life and death turns in perpetuum. The reason it is known as the Prime material plane, is that there are parallel worlds that exist alongside ours, known as parallel planes, which represent different sides of our sphere. These parallels, when overlapped, create the prime material plane.

Parallel Planes

The parallel planes surround and mirror the Prime Material plane in different ways, much like tinted lenses that alter light. Natural geography in the parallels is identical to the Prime, but exaggerated in uncanny fashions by the nature of its domain.

The Feywild

They Feywild is the home of the fae; Near-endless creatures with no mortal soul. It is related to Corpus, representing solely the body.

The Shadowfell

The Shadowfell is the realm of spirit, where the souls of creatures exist without physical body. It is related to Anima, representing pure soul.

The Ethereal Plane

Unlike the parallels, which are understood to be mirrors of the Prime, the ethereal surrounds the Prime material like a veil, touching it at all points. It's origins and purpose are the most shrouded in mystery, as it seems to exist on top of the Prime material, and can be accessed quite easily.

Historical Basis

The World Axis Model was designed by an astrologist by the name of Barom Blugens, a high mage of Tor Milva, during the Time of Advancement.


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