Don Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Yeah, just Don

Don is the Archon, or governor, of Lumin; A small trade village on the shores of Torchbug Lake in the Kingdom of Stopstalk. Up until recently, Don was one of many workers enslaved to the Slugwill Brewery outside of town. When the party of three adventurers came through and took the brewery down, Don sheltered them and helped evacuate workers before the brewery was destroyed.

Once the dust had cleared, Don led the people in clearing out the brewery's holdings, selling off whatever necessary to earn some money for the town. He helped re-establish Lumin's government, and with the support of his people, established himself as Archon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in Lumin, Don came from a fishing family. However, when the rainbow catfish disappeared, his parents left the town to seek work elsewhere, leaving Don in the care of a family friend. Soon after, Don's guardian followed in the footsteps of too many of Lumin's locals: He fell to Swill addiction. Without care and support, much of Lumin's population wandered into poverty, and turned to Swill to re-live the good times, slowly draining themselves away until there was nothing left.

Don couldn't stand to see his community fall like this. He established a supervised use site in his house, and helped provide care for struggling addicts. He was eventually joined by his wife, Gerra, and their child. Lumin began to stabilize.
Then the brewery came.

The Slugwill gangs brought in a brand new flood of Swill, and began poaching workers and resources. Don and Gerra's clinic couldn't stand without the support of the people, and the stress became too much for Gerra. She died of an overdose.
Don fell apart, the clinic shut down, and he sent their child to live with his parents in Delphi. He spent that winter huddled in his house, burning the floorboards for warmth. And as the first signs of spring began to show, Don found himself at the doors of the brewery, begging for a job.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archon of Lumin
Year of Birth
855 CE 44 Years old
Viva Mori
Ruled Locations


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