Lumin Settlement in Arxios | World Anvil
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Lumin began as an unremarkable fishing post on Torchbug Lake. However, as the town developed and the fishing trade began to boom, Lumin became a popular stopping point for traders and travelers all over Arxios, especially given its central location in the Kingdom of Stopstalk.

In recent days, the fishing trade has dwindled along with the population of rainbow catfish that call the lake home. Many residents that flocked to the town for work have packed up and moved on, leaving empty husks of homes and businesses off the main strip.
The town itself is small. A lane of shops down the main strip that leads to the lakeshore. Homes are spread out around the lake. Inns and taverns around the main road host travelers seeking rest, and the ghost town surrounding the main strip plays host to a variety of undesirables.

The Brewery

Up until recently, the town had played host to a brewery that operated as a front for an operation by the Slugwill Gangs. The gangs used magical charms and manipulation to enslave the poorer population in desperate need of work. However, during the last days of winter, a group of adventurers came through and took down the factory, freeing the enthralled workers.
A prominent community member, Don, re-established the town's government, using gold taken from the brewery's holdings, and has set himself up as Archon of Lumin, with the full support of his people.


In the absence of Fish, Lumin is making the most of their tragedy to get by. The town is working on getting the brewery running again, while re-seeding wheat and barley farms outside of town. They hope to establish trade as a brewing export by this fall.


The population of Lumin is almost solely retired fisherfolk. Only the most stubborn locals remained after the disappearance of the town's main export. Primarily humans and goblins.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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