Giants Species in Arxios | World Anvil
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Children of Petulance

The Giants (or Earth-Born) are children of Corpus. The legends have it that during the early stages of existence, as people were beginning to shape the world to their will, Corpus grew indignant and jealous. The child god did not relish the idea of sharing his creation. In a fit of petulance, Corpus created six colossal beings, born of the elements of nature to stomp the world flat once more.

The destructors did as they were told, scouring the world and ravaging any sign of civilization. That is, until the last remaining people banded together and prayed to the heavens, asking not to be punished for acting in the image of their creation. Their cries were heard. The mother god, Anima, sent a hail of divine light to destroy Corpus' creations. Anima scolded Corpus for punishing their creations simply for acting according to their design. Corpus relented, his rage quelled, and he blessed the slain beings with the energy of creation. From their rotting carcasses, new beings sprung forth, born of all the divine life and fury left behind.

These creatures became known as Giants, and there were six types: Hill, Stone, Frost, Fire, Cloud, and Storm. Each representing an aspect of the natural world. The giants were deeply connected to their father, but their souls belonged to the mother.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

A giant's ideal habitat is specific to its inborn nature. A fire giant may make its home within an active volcano, whereas a frost giant would roam the snowy peaks atop the Frozen Hearth. Giants in general place great importance on their connection to nature. They make very little change to their environment, living in harmony with the natural world.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Giants are omnivorous. Though their tastes vary wildly by the individual, they are capable of consuming most organic matter without issue. There are some exceptions, including the Mouth of Grolantor. However these are few and far between.
Genetic Descendants
Conservation Status
Giants are commonly thought to be extinct, but any people who live near the mountains that border Arxios will tell another story.


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