Goblin Species in Arxios | World Anvil
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The First Pancake

Goblins, insofar as history can make of them, were the first sapient creatures to grace the realm of Arxios. But they were not meant to be so. The goblins' ancient lorekeepers tell tales of the Time Before; Filled with mentions of strange mutations and changes which, in hindsight, are sure signs of lasting divine intervention, which suggests that goblins were released to the material plane before they were ready. The goblins were being corrected, upgraded, sparked with ideas of civilization and industry. From this experimentation, two defined subspecies sprung forth:

The first descendant was the Hobgoblin, which sported a more balanced form, heightened intelligence, and a deeper sense of communal structure. Hobgoblins became cultural leaders, spearheading advancements in technology and art.

The second subspecies was the Bugbear. Massive, hulking goblinoids covered nearly head-to-toe in fur. Bugbears were natural builders, fighters, and protectors. In goblin societies, they typically filled the roles of manual labor, defense, and caretaking of youth.

While these subspecies can be seen as improvements to the original goblin, a more pragmatic theory would describe them as balance; A necessary support to enable the natural advancement of goblins as a whole. Neither of these subspecies have established independent cultures for themselves. They are a part of goblins.

Basic Information


In relation to humans, goblins are quite short and scrawny, standing between 3-4 ft. tall at maturity. They are agile and naturally light on their feet.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins grow incredibly fast. Your average goblin reaches physical maturity at age 8, and most will live only 40-50 years, with some healthy outliers reaching 60.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins thrive in cool climates, and are best adapted to higher humidity. In contrast to their hobgoblin descendants, which are naturally acclimated to arid, desert environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

There are no sapient creatures in the realm of Arxios with a hardier digestive system than goblins. They are known to thrive off most any organic matter, and are quite resistant to food-borne illnesses.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblin settlements are quite communal. There is little concept of property and most tools and accommodations are shared. There are no official leaders of settlements, with a caveat; A hobgoblin living in a society of regular goblins will typically have the deciding vote on important matters for the village. Do not mistake their natural leadership for domination, however, as a hobgoblin who shows selfish and/or controlling behavior will be quickly ousted from society—permanently.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like other created species, Goblins are naturally adapted to low-light conditions.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goblin naming varies by settlement. Goblin societies are quite isolated from each other and so share very little that does not stem from their genealogy. 
One common trait among goblin societies is the taking of a second name. During their formative years, young goblins find a niche for themselves, a special interest, and will take a name related to that interest. For example, a goblin finding themselves in blacksmithing may take the name Iron, or Nail.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Troglodus Parvus
50 years
Average Height
3-4 ft.
Average Physique
Lithe, scrawny
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Typically green-skinned, but ranges through most of the color spectrum


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