Havlin Species in Arxios | World Anvil
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The spawn of Humans and Goblins, regularly adapt to the cultures of whatever settlement they're raised in.

Basic Information


Havlin stand in between goblins and humans. Their bodily structure is mostly humanoid, though slightly more squat and naturally scrawny.

Genetics and Reproduction

As with other hybrid species, havlin can reproduce together to produce more havlin, but not with other species.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The most common havlin clan, named "Lightfoot", lives within communities in the kingdom. Lightfoot havlin are just as common in farming towns as they are in large castle cities. That said, they tend to prefer warmer climates, and so gravitate to the south of Arxios. Havlin make up a major portion of the population at Deepsummer. 

There exists another clan of havlin, known as the Ghostwise. Their society is largely a mystery, since they live high in the Bolcan mountains. The ghostwise are said to live a nomadic lifestyle, communing with nature and bonding with giant owls, whom they ride as mounts; Much like the House of Stopstalk bonds with horses. The only known family of ghostwise havlin are the Stormborn. The Stormborn family are a traveling circus, who tour the kingdom and moletown.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100-200 years
Related Organizations

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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