The Kingdom of Stopstalk Organization in Arxios | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Stopstalk

All land east of the river Eros falls under the domain of Stopstalk. Its glorious light shines over the people of Arxios.

Stopstalk is currently ruled by Queen Leto. Thirty years ago, Leto rose to the throne after the death of her mother. She took a husband, King Zeus, and they sired a child, Apollo Stopstalk.

Queen Leto's Court

The Kingdom of Stopstalk is governed chiefly by its barons; Representatives of the noble families that watch over the various regions of Stopstalk. They are House Deepsummer, House Hollosmith, and House Wolfwood. These families each had a hand in the foundation of the Kingdom, and their descendants hold that status high.

Foreign Relations

Under the rule of Queen Leto, Stopstalk cultivated a close trade relationship with Clan Ashhand, supplying the dwarves with agricultural goods in exchange for mining resources and easy access through the Kiln.

Since its founding, Stopstalk has had a rocky relationship with the elves of the Dhucose Woods. Throughout the centuries, the two nations have broken out into war numerous times, the most recent ending only 10 years ago, in 889 CE. Since then, the Dhucose have completely closed their borders, silencing all diplomatic communication to Stopstalk. House Hollosmith has been the only source of information for activity from the Dhucose, given their position on the banks of the Eros and the marriage between the dhucose's Queen Axima and Euphratti d'Arville.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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