Sovereign Rank/Title in Arxios | World Anvil
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The title given to the ruler of Stopstalk. Commonly replaced with "King" or "Queen" as per the Sovereign's preference.


The throne of Stopstalk can be inherited by an eligible prince who has completed a Quest of Glory, wherein the hopeful heir will travel the kingdom to prove themselves worthy of their people's loyalty. The quest is finished by obtaining a boon from the Hall of Heroes, a tomb that can only be found by the questee. The Hall was supposedly established by Satus Stopstalk, who created the kingdom and laid down its ancient laws, and it is said to be haunted by his spirit, who judges each heir worthy... or otherwise.


The Title of Sovereign can only be attained by direct children of the current Sovereign. In the event where no such eligible children exist, the most immediate family member takes the role of a steward until their children complete the quest of glory to ascend the throne.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Their Royal Majesty
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